Convolutions in Ophthalmic - Based Entrepreneurial Decisions: Research Agenda
Abstract :
Exploration on complex decision making has extended from complex decision behaviourist approach to cognitive approach that focuses on complex decision processes that ensue prior to response. In neural computational simulations, each complex decision during complex decision task is represented by node of neural activity. Complex decision related neural activity has components of intensification of activity and complex decision inception for neural activity to overcome for complex decision to be completed. One way to investigate computational complex decision making is to scan positioning of complex decision behaviour leading to judgment point. Eye movements are central measure of complex decision. Eye movements are indissolubly linked to optical consideration as both are prime tools for choosing stimulating shares of chromatic prospects for enriched perceptual and rational processing. Investigating eye movements is expedient in providing evidence of orientation of complex decision behaviour replicating computational complex decision during complex decision formation. Role of eye movements, intentional or reflex, help in gaining, possessing and tracing visual inducements, during complex decision formation is not entirely clear. Current proof suggests that orientation of eye movement itself may not be an essential constituent. Rather, it can be as a result of intensification in contact to incitement as an e influential factor in complex decision formation. Purpose of present scholarship is to survey foregoing conclusions that eye movements have contributory stimulus on complex decision formation in a rational fashion. We review experiential studies that employ eye movement monitoring as process tracing and tracking method with gazing in complex decision - making research. Using Kowler model, we present an investigation that explains experimental methods and analysis with contemporary eye tracking savoir-faire. This proposal countenances a specific hypothesis about role of eye movements in complex decision; understanding how eye movements are premeditated, carried out notwithstanding recurrent vicissitudes in optical assortment that eye movement harvest. One major effort is understanding how should complex decision makers’ decide, deal with risks and uncertainties, create options better than originally available, potential responses to problems and evaluate strengths and weaknesses of each prospective action using apparatus of eye tracking / tracing and gazing.
Keywords :
Complex Decision, Eye Movements, Kowler Model, Optical Assortment, Eye Tracking / Tracing and Eye Gazing.
Everyday life is full of complex decisions and choices. An important question for many researchers is how entrepreneur (s) makes (ophthalmic) complex decisions. Specifically, researchers are interested in the assumptions, beliefs, habits, and tactics that entrepreneur (s) use to make everyday complex decisions. Research suggests that the eye considers various sources of information before making a complex decision. However, how does it do this? In addition, why does the process sometimes go awry, causing us to make impulsive, indecisive, and confused complex decisions; the kinds that can lead to risky and potentially dangerous behaviours? Human behaviour is not the product of a single process, but rather reflects the interaction of different specialized subsystems. These systems, the idea goes, usually interact seamlessly to determine behaviour, but at times, they compete. Result is that eye sometimes argues with itself, as these distinct systems come to different conclusions about what we should do. Human behaviour, in general, is not under constant and detailed control of careful and accurate hedonic calculations, but is product of an unstable and irrational complex of reflex actions, impulses, instincts, habits, customs, fashion, and hysteria. For a long time, economists have argued that humans make complex decisions by obeying laws of rationality. Complex decisions are an inevitable part of human activities.
Expansion of ophthalmic parallels development of cognitive science. Neuro - ophthalmic has bridged contrasting fields of ophthalmic and psychology. Ophthalmic, psychology, and neuroscience are converging today into a single, unified discipline with ultimate aim of providing single, general theory of decision behaviour. This is the emerging field of neuro - ophthalmic in which consilience, accordance of two or more inductions drawn from different groups of phenomena, seems to be operating. Economists and psychologists are providing rich conceptual tools for understanding and modeling behaviour, while neurobiologists provide tools for the study of mechanism. The goal of this discipline is thus to understand the processes that connect sensation and action by revealing the neurobiological mechanisms by which complex decisions are made. Such union is almost exclusively attributable to changes within ophthalmic. Neuro - ophthalmic has inspired change because the important findings have posed more of a challenge to standard ophthalmic perspective. The important source of inspiration for neuro economist has been neuro judgment research, which can, in turn, be seen as an amalgamation of ideas from cognitive science and ophthalmic. Neuro - ophthalmic has primarily challenged customary ophthalmic postulation that complex decision-making is a unitary process a simple matter of integrated and coherent utility maximization suggesting instead that it is driven by interaction between automatic and controlled processes.
Despite substantial advances, question of how we design and how we ought to craft judgments and complex decisions has engaged researchers for decades, with different disciplines approaching the problem through characteristically different techniques. However, neuro - ophthalmic complex decision making has recently emerged as an inter-disciplinary effort to bridge this gap. It has sought to integrate ideas from fields of organisational psychology, neuroscience and neuro - ophthalmic in an effort to specify accurate models of choice and complex decision. Research investigates neural bases of complex decision predictability and value, central parameters in ophthalmic model of expected utility. Neuro - multiple - systems approach to complex decision - making, in turn, influences ophthalmic, a perspective strongly rooted in organisational psychology and neuroscience. Integration of these approaches and methodologies offers exciting potential for construction of near - accurate models of complex decision - making.
How do we make a complex decision? Many complex decision makers have a tendency to seek more information than required to make a good complex decision. When too much information is sought and obtained, one or more of several problems can arise. A delay in the complex decision occurs because of the time required to obtain and process the extra information. This delay could impair the effectiveness of the complex decision or solution. Information overload will occur. In this state, so much information is available that complex decision-making ability actually declines because the information in its entirety can no longer be managed or assessed appropriately. A major problem caused by information overload is forgetfulness. When too much information is taken into memory, especially in a short period, some of the information (often that received early on) will be pushed out.
Deciphering eye - environment transactions requires mechanistic understandings of the neurobiological processes that implement value-dependent complex decision-making. There is a crucial difference between ‘thinking about thinking’ and actually enhancing eye and mental processes by developing latent potential of each individual. Theoretical accounts posit that human eye accomplishes this through a series of neural computations, in which expected future reward of different complex decision options are compared with one another and then the option with highest expected value is selected. If human eye is often compared with a computer, one aspect is crucially missing. Humans define goals for information processing in computers, whereas goals for biological eyes are determined by need for survival in uncertain and competitive environments. How to handle the eyes behind entrepreneurialism in the age of dramatic change and growing uncertainty? What then are the coherent eye dynamics underlying prediction, control and complex decision-making?
Major part involves analysis of finite set of alternatives described in terms of some evaluative criteria. These may be benefit or cost in nature. Then, problem might be to rank these alternatives in terms of how attractive they are when all criteria are considered simultaneously. Another goal might be to find the best alternative or determine relative total priority of each alternative when all criteria are considered simultaneously. Solving such problems is focus of multi-criteria complex decision analysis. This is debated, as there are many methods that yield different results when applied on exactly the same data. This leads to formulation of a ‘neuro - ophthalmic complex decision making paradox’.
Problem Statement
Every complex decision is made within a complex decision environment, which is defined as the collection of information, alternatives, values, and preferences available at the time of the complex decision. An ideal complex decision environment would include all possible information, all of it accurate, and every possible alternative. However, both information and alternatives are constrained because the time and effort to gain information or identify alternatives are limited. The time constraint simply means that a complex decision must be made by a certain time. We all make complex decisions of varying importance every day, so the idea that complex decision-making can be a rather sophisticated art may at first seem strange. However, studies have shown that most entrepreneurs are much poorer at complex decision making than they think. An understanding of what complex decision-making involves, together with a few effective techniques, will help produce better complex decisions.
Making a complex decision implies that there are alternative choices to be considered, and in such a case we want not only to identify as many of these alternatives as possible but to choose the one that (1) has highest probability of success or effectiveness and (2) best fits with our goals, desires, lifestyle, values, and so on. Complex decision-making is the process of sufficiently reducing uncertainty and doubt about alternatives to allow a reasonable choice to be made from among them. This definition stresses the information-gathering function of complex decision-making. It should be noted here that uncertainty is reduced rather than eliminated. Very few complex decisions are made with absolute certainty because complete knowledge about all the alternatives is seldom possible. Thus, every complex decision involves a certain amount of risk. If there is no uncertainty, you do not have a complex decision; you have an algorithm--a set of steps or a recipe that is followed to bring about a fixed result.
Emerging neuroscience evidence suggests that sound and rational neuro - ophthalmic complex decision making depends on prior accurate emotional processing. Somatic marker hypothesis provides a systems-level neuro-anatomical and cognitive framework for neuro - ophthalmic complex decision making and its influence by emotion. Key idea is that neuro - ophthalmic complex decision-making is a process that is influenced by marker signals. This influence can occur at multiple levels of operation, some of which occur consciously, and some of which occur non-consciously. The issues, because modern models ignore influence of emotions on neuro - ophthalmic complex decision-making, that crop up is;
- What computational mechanisms allow the eye to adapt to changing circumstances and remain fault-tolerant and robust?
- How (and where) are value and probability combined in eye and what is the dynamics of this computation?
- Under what circumstances do these various systems cooperate or compete?
- When there is competition, how and where is it adjudicated?
- Do higher-level deliberative processes rely similarly on multiple mechanisms, or a single, more tightly integrated (unitary) set of mechanisms?
Emerging neuro - ophthalmic science evidence suggests that sound and rational neuro - ophthalmic complex decision making depends on prior accurate emotional processing. Somatic marker hypothesis provides systems-level neuro - ophthalmic anatomical and cognitive framework for neuro - ophthalmic complex decision making and its influence. These occur at multiple levels of neuro-feedback operation. Some occur consciously and some occur non-consciously. The issues that crop up are; what happens when Clinicians change minds? What algorithms allow sensorimotor behaviours to be learned? What computational mechanisms allow eye to adapt changing circumstances? How (and where) are value and probability combined in eye and what is the dynamics of neuro-feedback? What neural systems track defined forms of utility? To what extent do utility computations generalize to complex decision, which are tasks that are more complex? How do systems that focus on immediate complex decision interact?
Neuro - Ophthalmic Perspectives
Neuro - ophthalmic has further bridged the once disparate fields of ophthalmic and psychology. Such convergence is almost exclusively attributable to changes within ophthalmic. Neuro - ophthalmic has inspired more change within ophthalmic than within psychology because the most important findings in Neuro - ophthalmic have posed more of a challenge to the standard ophthalmic perspective. Neuro - ophthalmic has primarily challenged the standard ophthalmic assumption that complex decision making is a unitary process-a simple matter of integrated and coherent utility maximization-suggesting instead that it is driven by the interaction between automatic and controlled processes. Despite substantial advances, the question of how we make complex decisions and judgments continues to pose important challenges for scientific research. Historically, different disciplines have approached this problem using different techniques and assumptions, with few unifying efforts made.
Neuro - ophthalmic has recently emerged as an inter-disciplinary effort to bridge this gap. The goal of neuro - ophthalmic is a mathematical theory of how the eye implements complex decisions that is tied to behaviour. This theory is likely to show some complex decisions for which rational-choice theory is a good approximation (particularly for evolutionarily sculpted or highly learned choices), to provide a deeper level of distinction among competing neuro alternatives, and to provide empirical inspiration for ophthalmic to incorporate more nuanced ideas about endogeneity of preferences, individual difference, emotions, endogenous regulation of states, and so forth. Research in neuroscience and psychology has begun to investigate neural bases of complex decision predictability and value, central parameters in the ophthalmic theory of expected utility. Ophthalmic, in turn, is being increasingly influenced by a multiple-systems approach to complex decision-making, a perspective strongly rooted in psychology and neuroscience. The integration of these disparate theoretical approaches and methodologies offers exciting potential for the construction of more accurate models of complex decision-making.
Neuro - ophthalmic seeks to ground ophthalmic theory in detailed neural mechanisms that are expressed mathematically and make neuro predictions. Neuro - ophthalmic uses knowledge about eye mechanisms to inform ophthalmic theory. It opens up the ‘black box’ of the eye, much as organizational ophthalmic opened up the theory of the organisation. The key insight for ophthalmic is that the eye is composed of multiple systems that interact. Controlled systems (‘executive function’) interrupt automatic ones. Eye evidence complicates standard assumptions about basic preference, to include homeostasis and other kinds of state-dependence, and shows emotional activation in ambiguous choice and strategic interaction.
We start with the premise that most basic complex decisions we make (e.g., in the form of choices or effort allocation) can be traced back in structure of macro-scale eye activity, as measured with modern neuroimaging apparatus. Typically, such responses involve many regions in the eye (from mid-eye to prefrontal cortices, through parietal and basal ganglia structures), who’s precise function in terms of motivational processes depends upon the context (e.g., specific task eye is solving). This context-dependency expresses itself through the (induced) specific plasticity of these eye networks, in parallel to phasic and tonic changes in neuro-modulator activity. In turn, this macro-scale reconfiguration of eye networks subtends learning and yield adaptive behaviour. In other words, it is very likely that goal-directed behaviour emerges from the very same interactions that shape the spatio-temporal dynamics of macro-scale eye networks. This means that understanding mechanics of motivational processes from the multimodal observation of eye activity (electrophysiology, fMRI) and neuro measurements (explicit choices, reaction times, autonomic arousal signals, grip force) poses the exciting challenge of quantitatively relating information processing to eye effective connectivity.
How are organisational and ophthalmic complex decisions making processes carried out in eye? Do we interpret research findings when neurological results conflict with self-report? Knowing how eye is working explains little about what mind produces; what we think, what we believe and how we craft complex decisions.’ What are the general implications of neuro ophthalmic? Neuroscience techniques permit to look inside eye while it experiences outcomes and crafts complex decisions. Neuro - ophthalmic uses techniques to ask how entrepreneur (s) craft complex decisions and examine implications. Central argument of this proposal is that Neuro - ophthalmic, organisational psychology and neuroscience each benefit from taking account of insights that other disciplines offer in understanding complex decision-making.
Questions that will be answered in this course include how to choose in tough situations where stakes are high, and there are multiple conflicting objectives? How should we plan? Why do projects often take longer and cost more than planned? How can we deal with risks and uncertainties involved in a complex decision? How can we create options that are better than the ones originally available? How can we become better complex decision makers? What resources will be invested in complex decision - making? What are the potential responses to a particular problem or opportunity? Who will make this complex decision? Every prospective action has strengths and weaknesses; how should they be evaluated? How will they decide? Which of the things that could happen would happen? The complex decision has been made. How can we ensure it will be carried out? Unfortunately, these are the very questions neuroscientists suspect are most crucial for understanding one of the most complex of human behaviours: how we complex decisions. Subsequent issues are,
- There is a need to attend as to how neuroscience can, and already has, benefited from Neuro - ophthalmic’ unitary perspective.
- How neuroscience has been enriched by taking account multiple specialized neural systems with potential research directions.
Research Issues
- How do eyes play a role in complex decision making?
- How does decision maker decide through ophthalmic estimates?
Aim and Objective(s)
Role of eye movements during complex decision construction is not entirely clear. In neural computational simulations of complex decision making, preference in judgment task is epitomised by corresponding protuberance of neural bustle. This activity has two idiosyncratic apparatuses: intensification of action and complex decision inception for action to overcome in order for choice to be made. A technique to review is to scan orientation of behaviour leading up to complex decision point. Investigating eye movements is expedient in providing substantiation of complex decision positioning of behaviour replicating computational complex decision. Eye movements reproduce escalatory complex decision significance, leading to gaze chute in which eye movements dynamically feed value of individual opportunities. Intention of this proposal is to shadow preceding suppositions that eye movements have causative stimulus on complex decision formation.
In organisational sciences, study of complex decision-making is an important preliminary step to provide a sound foundation for analysis of equilibrium in organisational systems. Neuro - ophthalmic analysis has been a fruitful development in this direction. In recent past, a new direction of research has emerged, studying interplay of complex decision making of single individual with entrepreneurial environment that surrounds him. Principal aim of proposed study is to model computational and neurobiological basis of value-based complex decision making by using tools from Neuro - ophthalmic and cognitive neuroscience. This proposal aims at two specific ways in which neuro - ophthalmic modeling can endeavour towards complex decision - making; first, incorporate neuroscience and organisational psychology of formal, rigorous ophthalmic modeling approach, and secondly, awareness of evidences for multiple systems involved in complex decision-making.
Statistical techniques embedding the above models for analyzing neuroimaging and neuro data. These probabilistic inversion schemes borrow from disciplines such as inverse problems, statistical physics and machine learning. If only, they are necessary to capture the inter-individual variability of neurophysiological and neuro responses. More generally, they are essential to root a principled approach to model comparison and selection, given experimental data. This is important to identify candidate psycho-physiological scenarios that have the ability to quantitatively explain concurrent neuroimaging and neuro data.
Focal point is to understand;
- Neural processes underlying how we craft complex decisions and choices.
- Understand mechanisms of complex decision-making using functional neuroimaging methodologies.
- Integrating interdisciplinary research towards contributing to complex decision neuroscience.
Objective is to put forward a model for neuro - ophthalmic complex decision, in which interaction between variables of neuro - ophthalmic complex decision processes are addressed via;
- How does eye assign value to different options under consideration?
- How does eye compare assigned values in order to design a choice?
- How is ‘process of valuation’ changed when control is exerted?
- How is value computed in complex / abstract domains?
- How can neuro - ophthalmic be applied to design solutions to real - time problems?
This plan ventures to speculate on neurobiological data and offer a model about relationship between human rationality, emotions and underlying neuro-ophthalmic. Emotions and neuro-ophthalmic underpinnings involved in complex decision - making would provide scaffolding for construction of cognition and for self-processes which undergird consciousness. This proposal would examine and compare tools of neural network modeling.
An ambition here is to construct a modeling framework general enough to relate the various experimental studies conducted in the group with each other, without compromising predictive power. One difficulty is to balance complexity of the above models with the sophistication of the experimental design and data analysis procedures. This simply means that these three aspects of the research have to be conducted in parallel. This joint effort towards a quantitative psycho-physiological understanding of motivation is what we term 'computational Neuro - ophthalmic. This work would attempt to explores socio-economic phenomena through individual action, complex decision-making, and reasoning processes, draw from such disciplines as philosophy, ophthalmic, complex decision-making, sociology, cognitive and social psychology, report on concept of mind of social actor, cognitive models of reasoning, complex decision-making and action, computational and neural models of socio-economic phenomena, etc.
Through computational approaches, attempt will be to clarify how neural soundings realize ‘mental sounding’ in clinician complex decision making. This work would attempt to explore phenomena through individual action, complex decision making, and reasoning processes on concept of cognitive models of complex decision - making. Principal aim of proposed study is to model neuro - ophthalmic basis of complex decision making by using tools from neurofeedback. Purpose is to elucidate principles and complex decision - making mechanism in eye interaction between variables of feedback processes. Focal point is to understand neural processes underlying how Clinicians craft complex decision and complex decision, understand mechanisms of complex decision making and integrating interdisciplinary research proposal towards contributing to neuro - ophthalmic complex decision.
Exploration on complex decision making has protracted from behaviourist methodology to cognitive approach that centres on complex decision processes. In neural computational simulations, each complex decision task is signified by protuberance of neural activity. Complex decision correlated neural activity has constituents of spiralling of activity and complex decision initiation for neural activity to overcome for complex decision to be completed. A way is to scan positioning of (complex decision maker) complex decision behaviour primary to complex decision point. Eye movements are crucial measure indistinctly concomitant to ocular reflection as both are chromatic prospects for rational processing. Investigating eye movements is expedient in providing evidence of orientation of (complex decision maker) complex decision behaviour reproducing computational complex decision in complex decision formation. Role of eye movements, deliberate or impulse, help in attainment, retaining and outlining optical stimuli, during (complex decision maker) complex decision formation is not clear. Proof suggests that orientation of eye movement may not be a critical constituent. It can be result of amplification in contact to incitement as a persuasive factor in (complex decision) formation.
Focus has remained on fundamental questions: what mechanisms keep gaze stable with either stationary or moving targets? How does motion of image on retina affect vision? Where do complex decision makers look, why and when performing complex task? How can world appear clear and stable despite continual movements of eyes? What determines complex decisions made about where to look? How are these complex decisions carried out? How do we maintain percept of clear and stable world despite occurrence of saccades? Purpose is to survey foregoing conclusions that eye movements have contributory stimulus on (complex decision maker) complex decision formation in rational fashion. This reviews experiential studies that employ eye movement monitoring as tracking method with gazing in (complex decision maker) complex decision - making research. This countenances a specific hypothesis about role of eye movements in complex decision; understanding how eye movements are premeditated, carried out notwithstanding recurrent vicissitudes in optical assortment that eye movement harvest. One major effort is understanding how should complex decision makers’ decide, deal with risks and uncertainties, create options better than originally available, potential responses to problems and evaluate strengths and weaknesses of each prospective action using apparatus of complex decision making, Kowlerian model, eye movement, process tracing, tracking method and gazing.
Eye Movement: this refers to voluntary or involuntary movement of eyes, helping in attaining, possessing and tracking optical impetuses. ‘Saccade’ is quick, concurrent movement of both eyes between two or more phases of fixation in same direction. Cohort of saccade may consider outcome of complex decision-making process. Functional models are based on accretion of corporeal corroboration in favour of various alternatives in sprint to (complex decision maker) complex decision threshold. Outcome is affected by variables such as value of sensory evidence, probability of alternative movements and reward associated with different movements. Salient progress has been made in studies of visual saccadic complex decision making, a system that is becoming a model for understanding (complex decision maker) complex decision making in general. In this, theoretical models of complex decision making are beginning to be used to describe computations (complex decision maker) eye must perform when it connects sensation and action (Glimcher; 2003).
Eye Tracking: eye tracking is process of measuring either point of gaze (where one is looking) or motion of eye relative to head. In unassuming terms, eye tracking is measurement of eye activity. Where do (complex decision makers) look? What do (complex decision makers) ignore? When do (complex decision makers) blink? How does pupil react to different stimuli? Application of (complex decision maker) eye movements to user interfaces; both for analysing interfaces, measuring usability and gaining insight into human performance and as actual (complex decision maker) control medium within human (complex decision maker) - mainframe dialogue.
Eye Gazing: (complex decision maker) eyes and (complex decision maker) gaze are important stimuli for (complex decision maker) interactions. Gaze means ‘to look steadily, intently and with fixed (attention). (Complex decision maker) eye region of represents special area due to extensive amount of (complex decision maker) information that can be extracted. Eye region carries information necessary for emotion recognition. Cognitive and (complex decision maker) behavioural neuro - complex decision science has recently witnessed explosion of scholarship investigating processing of (complex decision maker) eye region and gaze direction in various tasks and organisational situations. Due to extensive complexity, underlying neural systems subtending these (complex decision maker) processes are far from being agreed.
Eyes, as platform of complex decision-making, are indispensable to dynamics of neuro - ophthalmic complex decision modeling. Hypothesis rejects attempts to limit human reasoning and neuro - complex decision making to mechanisms relying in an unrelated manner on either conditioning or cognition alone.
Research Methodology
Methodology proposes to incorporate Kowler (Rutgers University, USA) model states that eye movements are integral part of (complex decision maker) interactions with visual world. Tasks, inspecting contents of visual scene, require that complex decision makers bring eye swiftly and precisely to weighty and expedient positions. Eye movements accomplish this with virtually no overt effort or awareness. Model involves (complex decision maker) eye movements and connections between eye movements, perception and cognition. Model is devoted to understanding how eye movements are planned, how they are carried out, how to maintain percept of clear, stable and coherent world despite continual changes in visual array that eye movements produce. One major effort understands relationship between (complex decision maker) eye movements and (complex decision maker) attention, question of how (complex decision maker) attention is involved in eye movement control and how to attend to visual environment independently of movements of eye. Model emphasizes active integration of (complex decision maker) eye movement planning with ongoing visual and cognitive processes. The model incorporates components of visual (attention), eye movements, eye movements and their role in visual and (complex decision maker) cognitive process, (attention) during active visual (complex decision maker) tasks, oculomotor control, visual memory, and allocation of visual (attention), accuracy and precision of visual and cognitive processes in new directions for (complex decision maker) complex decision research.
To date, management model of complex decision has not been informed by the way eye functions. Goal of studying complex decision behaviour is prediction. This research proposal would seek to develop theoretical models, based on axiomatic foundation of neurofeedback, which can predict clinician complex decision. These models would take as inputs state of external world and generate as outputs actual complex decision made by human choosers. For this reason, research proposal would aim towards achieving compact and abstract models of complex decision. Analysis of observations would include not only complex decision between options, per se, but additional neurofeedback data, including length of time taken to make complex decision, number of error in complex decision and psychophysical model(s).
Research Contributions
The study of complex decision making and problem solving has attracted attention. Expanded research proposal requires (model - based empirical) study of behavior and provide setting for basic research proposal on how ill-structured problems are, and can be, solved. Clinician neuro - complex decision making, which is much less well understood than individual complex decision - making and problem solving, can be studied with great profit using already established methods of inquiry, especially through intensive studies.
Neuro - ophthalmic management offers solution through series of measurements of eye activity at the time of complex decision. It provides conceptual and philosophical framework for understanding and conducting research at ophthalmic science, management and psychology spectrum. Neuro - ophthalmic management theory proposes to build eye-based models capable of predicting observed behaviour. Neuro - ophthalmic management will shed light on causes of behaviour (and neuro - ophthalmic anomalies) and help build theories capable of explaining and predicting complex decision. Measurement of eye activity provides information about underlying mechanisms eye during complex decision processes. Neuro - ophthalmic complex decision modelling would help when new information is inconsistent with goals. Combining the above disciplines gives interdisciplinary insight to define fundamentals of neuro - ophthalmic complex decision making.
- Neuro - ophthalmic offers a solution through an additional set of data obtained via a series of measurements of eye activity at the time of complex decisions,
- Provides a conceptual and philosophical framework for understanding and conducting neuro - ophthalmic research at the intersection of neuroscience, ophthalmic and psychology,
- Describes the first standard model for the choice process that links and spans neurobiological, psychological, and ophthalmic levels of analysis,
- Applies neuroscience to both neuro ophthalmic and neoclassical ophthalmic, and ties both fields to biological constraints in how we judge relative value and make choices,
- An important resource for researchers in disciplines ranging from ophthalmic to neuroscience, as well as to scholars of the theory of science and the development of interdisciplinary research,
- Experimental Neuro - ophthalmic can be seen as a subfield of experimental ophthalmic, where neuro data is enriched with eye data,
- Neuro - ophthalmic theory proposes to build eye-based models capable of predicting observed behaviour,
- New set of data provided by experimental Neuro - ophthalmic will shed light on the causes of behaviour (and therefore of the neuro anomalies) and help build new theories capable of explaining and predicting complex decisions,
- Measurement of eye activity provides information about the underlying mechanisms used by the eye during choice processes, In particular, it shows which eye regions are activated when a complex decision is made and how these regions interact with each other, This knowledge can then be used to build a model that represents this particular mechanism,
- Combining the above disciplines gives an interdisciplinary insight to define fundamentals of neuro - ophthalmic complex decision making that has eluded researchers working within each individual field.
Research Outcome
Complexly interlinked imaging technologies, new imaging technologies have motivated studies of internal order of mind. Interaction between entrepreneurial and science is not smooth with difference in perception and reasoning potentials on either side. It suggests fundamental change in how to think, observe and generate choices. Explorations have extended from neural soundings to stimulating shares of chromatic prospects for rational processing. Research proposal attempts would discuss findings to understand neuro - design and offer to answer issues in clinician preference dynamics. Research proposal attempts would conclude with distinctive propositions and presents directions for future research proposal. Research proposal attempts would aid rethinking foundations of clinician preference dynamics by providing alternative taxonomy for rational preference problems. This research proposal would open new vistas for future replicative studies.
What are the mechanisms that keep gaze stable with either stationary or moving targets? How does motion of (complex decision maker) cognitive image on retina affect vision? Where do (complex decision makers) look - and why - when performing complex (complex decision maker) task? How can the world appear clear and stable despite continual movements of (complex decision maker) eyes? (Complex decision maker) cognitive processes driving eye movements during (complex decision maker) complex decision making are not in any consequential way different from those in similar tasks. (Complex decision maker) eye movements in (complex decision maker) complex decision making are partially driven by (complex decision maker) task demands. Eye movements in (complex decision maker) complex decision making are partially driven by stimulus properties that bias (complex decision maker) information uptake in favor of visually salient stimuli. Eye movements do not have causal effect on (complex decision maker) preference formation. However, through properties inherent to visual system, such as stimulus-driven attention, (complex decision maker) eye movements do lead to down-stream effects on (complex decision maker) complex decision making. Complex decision makers optimize eye movements to reduce demand on (complex decision maker) memory and reduce number of fixations and length of saccades needed to complete (complex decision maker) complex decision task. Drivers of eye movements in (complex decision maker) complex decision making change dynamically within tasks (Orquin and Loose ; 2013). Attention should be paid for performing experimental procedures in order to evaluate usability, accuracy and reliability of eye tracking systems. Any (complex decision) model that aims to describe (complex decision maker) complex decision making must reflect that visual information play central role in complex decision dynamics.
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- Satpathy, J and Mohapatra, B.B. (2015). Peep into Behavioural Science of Choice, International Journal on Research and Development - A Management Review (IJRDMR), Vol. 4, Issue 4, Pp: 69 - 78, ISSN: 2319 - 5479, Bhubaneswar, India. (International)
- Satpathy, J and Pati, P. (2016). Unmapped Territory in Neruodecision Modeling, International Journal on Research and Development - A Management Review (IJRDMR), Vol. 5, Issue 3, Pp: 15 - 29, ISSN: 2319 - 5479, Bhubaneswar, India. (International).
- Satpathy, J. (2012). Neuro - Economic Actors in Organisational Decision Making: An Anthology, Proceedings of National Conference on Perspectives on Employment Relations, Dated December 22 - 23, Berhampur University, India. (National)
- Satpathy, J. (2013). Issues in Neuro - Management Decision Making, International Journal of Business Management, Vol.2, Issue. 02, December 2012. ISSN: 2231 - 5470, India. (International)
- Satpathy, J. (2014). Random Perspectives in Worker - Employer Indenture, 5th National HR Conclave on Psychological Contract: A Competitive Advantage, Sponsored by KIIT School of Management and National HRD Network, 23 August , KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India. (National)
- Satpathy, J. (2015). Anthology on Managerial Neuro - Decision VUCA Architecture, Proceedings of KSOM’s 8th National Management Convention on The Endless Pursuit of Winning in the VUCA Environment, KIIT School of Management, January 30 - 31, 2015, Bhubaneswar, India. (National)
- Satpathy, J. (2015). Inquiry into Neuro - Managerial Decision Making, ICICBBS Conference, Indo-Canadian International Conference of Business and Behavioural Sciences, Society of Management and Behavioral Sciences (SMBS), 01 April (Accepted), Goa, India. (International)
- Satpathy, J. (2015). Neuro - Based Decision Making Challenges for Project Manager, Conference Proceedings, TECHMA 2015, Institute of Technology Management, DRDO, 26 - 27 October, Mussoorie, India. (National)
- Satpathy, J. (2015). Neuro - Perspective In Managerial Decision - Making Efficacy, International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Academic Research (SSIJMAR) Vol. 04, No. 03, June, (ISSN 2278 - 5973), India. (International)
- Satpathy, J. (2015). Random Thoughts on Managerial Behavioural Competence, Conference Proceedings, TECHMA 2015, Institute of Technology Management, DRDO, 26 - 27 October, Mussoorie, India. (National)
- Satpathy, J. (2015). Research Note on Cognitive - Underpinning in Neuro - Managerial Decision Modeling, Impact Factor 5. 09, ITIHAS - The Journal of Indian Management, ISSN 2249 - 7803, Vol. 5, No. IV, Oct - Dec 2015, Hyderabad, India. (National)
- Satpathy, J. (2018). Neuro - Based Decisions in Global Business Undercurrents, IMS International Conference on Indian Trade and Commerce: Past, Present and Future, March 18, Bhubaneswar, India (International).
- Satpathy, J. (2019). Neuro - Optometric Decision Estimates in Managing Creative Organization (Poster), 4th Coller Conference on Behavioral Economics (CCBE), June 19 and 20, Center for Behavior Change, Tel Aviv University, Israel
- Satpathy, J. and Das, A. (2016). Neuro - Contemplation on Managerial Decision, International Journal on Research and Development - A Management Review (IJRDMR), Vol. 05, Issue 04, Pp: 29 - 32, ISSN: 2319 - 5479, Bhubaneswar, India. (International)
- Satpathy, J. and Datta, T. (2014). Contributions to Neuro - Decision Computational Modeling, 41st Annual Conference of Orissa Mathematical Society and International Conference on Industrial Mathematics and Scientific Computing, No. ICIMSC14/OMS41/06, 4 - 5 January 2014, Department of Mathematics, School of Applied Sciences, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India. (International)
- Satpathy, J. and et. al. (2018). Thoughts on Managerial Skills, , National Institute of Personnel Management, Utkal Chapter, Vol. 14, Issue No. 1, ISSN No. 2229 - 6506, Pp: 01 - 06, January 2018, Bhubaneswar, India (National).
- Satpathy, J. and Gankar, S.S. (2016). Neuro - Geometry in Managerial Decision Dynamics, KHOJ: Journal of Indian Management Research and Practices (ISSN No.0976-8262) and Proceedings (GE - International Journal of Management Research) of International Conference on Emerging Trends in Management and Technology 2016 (ICETMT-2016), 23rd and 24th December, MIT School of Management, Pune in collaboration with Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India. Concurrently published in International Journal on Research and Development - A Management Review (IJRDMR), Vol. 5, Issue 04, Pp: 40 - 47, ISSN: 2319 - 5479, Bhubaneswar, India. (International)
- Satpathy, J. and Gankar, S.S. (2017). Brain - Eye Coadjuvancy in Managerial Decision Dynamics, Proceedings of National Research Conference - 2017 (NCBMSSH - 2017), Khoj: Journal of Indian Management Research and Practices, ISSN: 0976 – 8262, Pp: 11 - 38, MIT School of Management, 21 - 22 Dec 2017, Pune, India (National).
- Satpathy, J. and Gankar, S.S. (2017). No Food, No Water: What Decision Making? (Study in North - East India), Proceedings of National Conference on Poverty and Rural Development in India with Special Reference to North Eastern Region, 16 - 17 Sep 2017, Department of Economics, Debraj Roy College, Golaghat, Assam, India (National)
- Satpathy, J. and Gohain, A. (2018). Socio - Genetic Matrices in Decision Diminuendos (Case Study in North - East India), Proceedings of UGC - Sponsored National Seminar on Development of Marginalized Sections in North East India: Its Problems and Prospects, Department of Sociology, 10 - 11 Jan 2018, Khowang College, Dibrugarh, India (National).
- Satpathy, J. and Hejmadi, A. (2018). Decision Signatures in Managerial Brain Architecture (Poster), Proceedings of NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference, Pp: 61, May 24 - 25, Zurich, Switzerland. (International).
- Satpathy, J. and Hejmadi, A. (2019). Electrodermal Traces in Decision Making, Proceedings of National Seminar on Technology, Innovation, Policy Initiatives and Entrepreneurship Development (NSTIPED - 2019), 30th - 31st Jan 2019, Parala Maharaja Engineering College, BPUT University, Berhampur, Odisha, India (National).
- Satpathy, J. and Hejmadi, A. (2019). Neuro - Optometric Decision Estimates in Managing Creative Organisation, Proceedings of National Seminar on Managing Resource through Creativity for Generating Opportunities in 21st Century, Pp: 30 - 55, ISBN Number: 978 - 81 - 922746 - 9 - 0, S B Patil Institute of Management, Pune University, 18 -19 Jan 2019, Pune, India (National). Concurrently published under the title NEURO-OCULARDECISION GUESTIMATES in Odisha Journal of Social Science, Vol 6. (1), January Edition, Pp: 103 - 115, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. (National).
- Satpathy, J. and Hejmadi, A., Subhashree P. and Mishra, S. (2018). Decision Monikers in Managerial Eyes, Proceedings of International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Business Innovation, Technology and Social Sciences, Gautam Buddha University, 01 - 02 June 2018, June 2018, Noida (UP), India (International).
- Satpathy, J. and Mallik, B. (2017). Mathematical Exposition on Eye Movements in Decision Dynamics, Proceedings of International Conference on Mathematical Sciences in Engineering Applications (ICMSEA - 2017), Dept. of Mathematics, Centurion, University, 22 - 24 Dec 2017, Vishakhapatnam, India (International).
- Satpathy, J. and Mallik, B. (2018). Hematological Judgement in Entrepreneurial Decision, Proceedings of International Conference on Management, Sciences, Engineering and Applications (ICMSEA - 2018), Dept. of Mathematics, Centurion University, Odisha; Kaziranga University, Assam and University of Perpetual Help, Philippines, 20 - 22 Dec 2018, Vishakhapatnam, India (International). Concurrently published in International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, ISSN No: 2249-7455, Volume 8, Issue XII, Pp: 2849 - 2863, December, India (International).
- Satpathy, J. and Mallik, B. (2018). Mathematical Exposition on Eye Movements in Decision Dynamics, Proceedings of International Conference on Mathematical Sciences in Engineering Applications (ICMSEA - 2017), Dept. of Mathematics, Centurion, University, 22 - 24 Dec 2017, Vishakhapatnam, India (International). Concurrently published in International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, ISSN No: 2249-7455, Volume 8, Issue XII, Pp: 3245 - 3254, December, India (International).
- Satpathy, J. and Mishra, B.P. (2017). Managerial Neuro - Hybrid Decision Architecture, Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR), Vol. 3, Issue 10, ISSN: 2454 - 1362, Pp: 245 - 292, UAE (International)
- Satpathy, J. and Mishra, B.P. (2017). Review on Neuromanagerial Decision Crescendos, Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR), Vol. 3, Issue 9, ISSN: 2454 - 1362, Pp: 65 - 115, UAE (International)
- Satpathy, J. and Mishra, S. (2014). Paradigm Tectonics in Neuro - Choice Making, 3rd International Conference on Managing Human Resources at the Workplace, 05 - 06 December, Mysore, India. (International)
- Satpathy, J. and Mishra,S. (2018). Cognitive Competence ‘Agent’ in Organisational Decisions, Proceedings of National Conference on Business Transformation Through Strategy And Innovation (BTTSI-2018), BIITM Institute, Biju Patnaik University of Technology, 11 July 2018, , Bhubaneswar (Odisha), India (National).
- Satpathy, J. and Patri, M. (2016). Cognitive Underpinning in Neuro - Managerial Decision Making (Poster), NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference, June 2-3, 2016, Bonn, Germany. (International)
- Satpathy, J. and Rajpurohit, J. S. (2018). Triguna Geometry in Effective Economic Behaviour, National Seminar on Relevance of Triguna Theory in Contemporary World, 03 - 04 Oct 2018, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla, India. (National).
- Satpathy, J. and Shukla, O.P. (2018). Neuroreductionist Approaches to Development (Case Study on Uttar Pradesh, Proceedings of International Seminar on Developmental Challenges of India after Twenty Five Years of Economic Reforms, 16 - 18 March, 2018, Department of Economics, Banaras Hindu University, Banaras, India (International).
- Satpathy, J. and Singh, S. (2017). Romancing Neurodecision Making, Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR), Vol. 3, Issue 4, ISSN: 1556-1583, Pp: 2171 - 2198, UAE]. (International).
- Satpathy, J. and Tiwari, P. (2014). Neuro Based Challenges in Techno - Managerial Training, National Conference on the Dynamics of Education to Employment Journey, Feb 21 - 22 2014, Pp: 26, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India. (National)
- Satpathy, J. et. al. (2017). Neuro - Organisational Decision Comportment, Proceedings of UGC - sponsored National Conference on ‘Future Employment Relations in India: Role of Stakeholders’, Dept. of Industrial Relations and Personnel Management, Berhampur University, 18 - 19 March 2017, Berhampur-760007, Odisha, India (National)
- Satpathy, J. Gankar, S.S. and Narendran, S. (2017). Neuro - Mechanisms in Decision Making by Farmer (Study in Poverty - Prone Rural Areas of North - East India), Proceedings of National Conference on Poverty and Rural Development in India with Special Reference to North Eastern Region, 16 - 17 Sep 2017, Department of Economics, Debraj Roy College, Golaghat, Assam, India (National)
- Satpathy, J., Das, A. and Das, S. (2016). Exposition on Eye Movements in Managerial Decision, Proceedings of UGC - Sponsored International Conference on Cross - Cultural Dimension of Management, Dept. of Business Administration, Berhampur University, 24 - 25 Nov 2016, India. (International)
- Satpathy, J., Das, A., Suneetha, N., Sturman, M. and Das, S. (2016). Crafting Neuro Economic - Managerial Decisions, International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, Volume 03(05), ISSN: 2394-9333, Pp: 469 - 478, India. [Concurrently published in FMU Journal of Management, Fakir Mohan University Balasore Journal No. IV, Issue I, Pp: 20 -32, India (National) and Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR), Vol. II, Issue 11, ISSN: 2454-1362, Pp: 2171 - 2198, UAE]. (International)]
- Satpathy, J., Hejmadi, A. and Padmaja, B. (2019), Oculo - Peep Into Decision Foundation, Proceedings of National Seminar on 'Human Dimension In Information Age', 21 - 22 Feb 2019, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Ongole, Andhra Pradesh, India (National).
- Satpathy, J., Hejmadi, A., Mishra, D. and Singh, S. (2018). Managerial Eyes for Business Decisions, FMU Journal of Management, Department of Business Management, Vol. 5 and 6, March 2018, Balasore, India (National).
- Satpathy, J., Mishra, S. and Mahapatra, B. B. (2014). Neuro - Perspectives in Sustainable Progression, Proceedings of UGC - Sponsored National Seminar on Management Practices and Sustainable Development, 23 - 24 March, F M University, Balasore, Odisha, India. (National)
- Satpathy, J., Mishra, S. and Rath, B. P. (2014). Explorations in Neuro - Decision Making, Odisha Journal of Social Science, Vol. I (1), Pp: 101 - 111, Odisha, India. (National)
- Satpathy, J., Mohapatra, B.B. and Sturman, M. (2015). Managerial Neuro - Choice Mechanism, International Journal on Research and Development: A Management Review (IJRDMR), Volume: 4 Issue: 1, ISSN (Print): 2321- 5747, Bhubaneswar, India. (International)
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