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The study tries to examine customer satisfaction towards online shopping users in Tirunelveli city. Online shopping offers the best price, good products and completely easy shopping. The success of any e-tailor company in India is contingent upon its popularity. Online shopping has gained importance in the modern business environment. The development of online shopping has opened the door of a chance to provide a competitive advantage over firms. Online shopping has grown in popularity over the years mainly as people find it suitable for the comfort of their home or workplace. In the recent past, the web keeps a precious place within economic activities. Now-a-days individuals display their interest on the web.
The World Wide Web has grown incredibly since its inception in 1990 and by 1991 it was opened for marketable use. Recently at present time online shopping is the new trend of shopping in Tiruneveli that is used to refer to computer- based- shopping or Eshopping same like internet banking. Online shopping is the process whereby shoppers directly buy goods, services etc. from a seller interactively in real time without an intermediate facility over the internet. The satisfactions a feeling which is a significance of the measuring process which informs what has been received against what was expected, including the buying decision and needs associated with the purchase. Internet has been constantly gaining significance nowadays. The number of people pr e f e r r ing int e rne t for the i r day to day accomplishments also keeps on increasing. People today are doing domestic works online. Online customers must have contact to the internet to buy goods form online. People can look at these websites of online stores and buying products in luxury form home. Unsatisfactory recently, the regulars were mainly visiting online to reserve hotel rooms, buy air, rail or movie tickets for buying books and electronic gadgets, but now more and more offline product like apparels for all sectors, make-ups, accessories, shoes and consumer durables are now being purchased online.
Customer satisfaction is the degree of how the needs and responses are team up and transported to excel customer anticipation. Customer satisfaction is a part of customer's knowledge that disclosures a supplier's performance on customer's anticipation. Customer satisfaction is the complete essence of the imprint about the dealer by the customers. This impress which a customer makes concerningprovider is the sum total of all the process he goes through, right from shared supplier before doing any marketing to post sending options and services and managing queries or grievances post-delivery. During this process the customer comes across working situation of various sections and the type of approaches involved in the association. This helps the customer to make strong opinion about the supplier which lastlymarks in satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
Primary data was collected from the respondents through systematically prepared questionnaire through structured interview methods.
The main source of information for secondary data was collected from old records and the websites books, journals, newspaper etc.
Table - 1 shows that out of 120 respondents 62 percentage of the respondents are female. 32 percentage of the respondents are under age group Below 25 years. 40 percentages of the respondents are under monthly income of Rs 25000-35000. 54 percentages of the respondents are Graduate.
H01 – There is no significant association between 0 gender of the respondents and level of customer satisfaction.
The value of chi-square is 6.5 (d.f = 2) and associated significant value is 21.01(which is greater than 0.05). Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected. Hence it is concluded that there is significant association between gender of the respondents and level of customer satisfaction. It's because of the respondents' variation of the level of customer satisfaction which varies according to gender wise. The above cross table clearly explained that male and female respondents 'level of customer satisfaction not same'.
From the above table, it was observed that the calculated value is greater than table value the result of 5% level of significance. Hence there is significance difference between before satisfaction level and after satisfaction level in a satisfaction level are differ. Hence the null hypothesis is rejected.
The findings of the present revealed the following
Online shopping is becoming more general day by day with the growth in the usage of World Wide Web known as www. Sympathetic customer's need for online selling has become challenge for marketers. Specifically accepting the consumer's satisfaction towards online shopping, making development in the factors that impact consumers to shop online and working on factors that affect consumers to shop online will help dealers to gain the competitive edge over others. In assumption, having access to online shopping has truly transformed and unfair our society as a whole. This use of knowledge has opened new doors and chances that enable for a more convenient existence today. Variety, quick service and reduced prices were three significant ways in which online shopping subjective people from all over the world. However, this concept of online shopping led to the opportunities of fraud and privacy conflicts. Unluckily, it has shown that it is possible for criminals to operate the system and access personal material. Luckily, today with the latest features of knowledge, events are being taken in order to stop hackers and criminals from inappropriately opening private databases.