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Doctors especially house officers are under a great deal of stress related to a variety of occupational stressors. Occupational stressors contribute to organizational inefficiency, high staff turnover, absenteeism due to sickness, decreased quality of practice, increased costs of health care and decreased job satisfaction. One of the organizational outcomes that affected by occupational stress, is job performance. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the affect of job stress on job performance.
The universe of the study is District Dehradun (Uttarakhand) and the complete population of house officers was targeted which were present at that time were 55. The data obtained through descriptive statistics, Spearman's Correlation and Multi Regression.
The analysis showed strong support for the hypothesis that there is an inverse relationship between job stress and job performance indicating that there is high job stress in the house officers, resulting in low job performance.
Correct stress management should start from improved health and good interpersonal relationships. The
prevention and management of workplace stress requires organisatonal level interventions, because it is the
organization that creates the stress.
Success in managing and preventing stress will depend on the culture in the organization. A culture of openness
and understanding, rather than of criticism, is essential. Those house officers who had high level of job stress had
low job performance. All the factors affected male house officers rather than the female house officers.
The current turbulent environment in the health care
field requires doctors and 150 organisations to reexamine
their practices. Medicine is an inherently
stressful profession with long working hours, ethical
dilemmas, difficult patients and conflicting demands.
Professionally, in true sense, the doctors are on 24-hour
duty. Many physicians and surgeons work long,
irregular hours; over one-third of full-time physicians
worked 60 or more hours a week in 2018. The physical
and; psychological demands of the profession often
make physicians more vulnerable to high levels of
stress. The effects of stress ob practice are evidenced as
increased errors in prescribing, limited team working,
more patients' complaints and sickness absence.
Stress has been defined in different ways over the years.
Originally, it was conceived as pressure from the
environment, then as strain within the person. The
generally accepted definition today is one of the
interactions between the situation and the individual.
It is the psychological and physical are not sufficient to
cope with demands and pressures of the situation.
Thus, stress is more likely in some situations than
others and in some individuals than others.
Stress is not always negative or harmful and indeed, the
absence of stress is death. Stress is the non-specific
response of the body to any demand, health sector is
one of the most stressful professions and pointed out
the necessity of considering and investigating
occupational stress, since performance declines under
stressful situations. Now–a-days, quality productivity
survival. Therefore, stress at workplace becomes a
concern to organization administrators.
Several authors attributed the lack of progress in the
areas of stress research 151 organisations to the fact that
stress seemed to be related to such a large number of
conditions which prevented a systematic focus. Beehr
used a very general definition in which “anything about
an organizational role that produces adverse
consequences for the individual” was called role stress.
They proceeded to the conclusion that a conditions
termed role overload was viable and this correlated
positively with job stress. Stress indicators to role
ambiguity in the study indicated low motivation to
Schuler identified stress in 151 organisations as an
increasingly important concern in both organizational
research and practice. An interesting finding by Beehr
was that even if there was role, strain, people with
situations characteristics, especially autonomy, did not
suffer as greatly from it. This study was based on a
sample of 651 persons, including 213 from service
departments of a hospital. The primary source of
source cited by respondents indicated juggling multiple
roles, having young children, time issues (too much
work, too little time) changing practices patterns.
Job performance is the result of three factors working
together: skill, effort and the nature of work conditions.
Skills include knowledge, abilities and competencies
the employee brings to the job, effort is the degree of
motivation the employee puts forth toward getting the
job done; and the nature of work conditions is the
degree of accommodation of these conditions in
facilitating the employee's productivity.
The documented consequences of stress on medical
trainees include: alcohol and drug abuse, interpersonal
relationship difficulties, depression, anxiety and
suicide. Other studies have also shown stress can be
detrimental to the medical trainees' or professional's
academic achievement, effectiveness in delivering
health services by decreasing attention span,
concentration, decision-making skills and ability to
establish physician-patient relationships. In addition to
affecting psychological and emotional well-being,
stress can also result in a decrease in physical health,
such as the development of hypertension, heart disease
and immune deficiency disorders. Quality health care is
an important goal of the health care system and
practitioners performance has been shown to be closely
related to the quality of health care patients receive.
A study conducted by Abu Al-Rub indicated a
curvilinear (U-shaped) relationship between job stress
and job performance; nurses who reported moderate
levels of job stress believed that they performed low or
high levels of job stress.
Jamal examined a relationship between job stress and
job performance among house officers and nurses. Job
stress is defined as individuals' reactions to the
characteristics of the work environment that appear
threatening to them. Four types of relationships are
proposed between job stress and performance:
A random sample of 283 house officers and 227 nurses
in a large hospital are surveyed in Questionnaires.
Management is made of variables relating to job stress,
job performance and organizational environment.
Results show a primarily negative linear relationship
between job stress and measures of job performance.
Limited support is seen for curvilinear or no
relationship. No support is found for the positive.
India is a developing country with scarce resources. In
India, health status is characterized by a high rate of
population growth and inadequate health facilities.
The doctor population ratio is one doctor for 1,773
people in the rest of the country and one bed for 1,703
persons in NWFP. This causes work overload on the
health sector individuals particularly in urban areas,
implying a high level of patient-doctor ratio causing a
lot of pressure on the doctors and the supporting staff.
In the early 1970s, Mason called attention to the
potency of psychological stimuli in the stress response.
A large literature has emerged since Christian's
original insights in the 1950s and 1960s that at high
densities, mammals manifest enlarged adrenals
indicative of increased reproduction. These
“psychoendocrine” effects reinforced perceptions of
stress in terms of Hans Selye's “General Adaptation
Syndrome” (GAS).
Lee and McDonald (1985) reviewed this and related
literature ad appealed for additional research and
more direct evidence for the effects of stress in natural
populations. Axclord and Reisine (1984) summarized
the multiple regulatory mechanisms and interactions
of stress hormones, identifying corticotrophin (ACTN)
as a principal nexus; Goldstein (1987) provided a
helpful collation of stress-induced actions of the
sympathetic nervous system.
Johnson and colleagues (1992) reviewed mechanisms
with an emphasis on the dynamic nature of endocrine
and behavioural mechanisms. Neural pathways were
recently reviewed by Va de Kar and Blair (1999) who
pointed out that proactin, oxytocin and rennin have
been neglected as stress-sensitive endocrine systems
because they are coordinated by slightly different
neural pathways.
Saavedra (1999) recently reviewed evidence of a
widespread role for angiotensin in modulating stress
and cortocotrophic releasing hormone (CRH) which
has significant stress response coordinating functions
aside from its triggering a corticosteroid response.
A review of the diversity of glucocorticoid actions in the
stress response by Sapolsky, (2000) provides a
valuable synthesis of the seeming contradictory
functions of glucocorticoids. The permissive actions of
glucocorticoids that are based on tonic levels associated
with homeostasis are seen to be distinct from the
suppressive and stimulatory actions that result from
stress-induced elevation for the ethological perspective
in developing what they have termed the “preparative”
functions of glucocorticoids and caution laboratory
researchers to be sensitive to the organisms perspective
of what constitutes a stressor.
Understanding the causes & consequences of stress in
non-humans has taken on an urgency of its own as a
result of a growing concern for animal welfare as well as
a search for more robust and relevant animal models.
This interest in the role of stress in life history has
proven a valuable counter-balance to well-intentioned
perceptions by scientists and citizens who too
frequently view stress in a stereotypical was as
necessarily deleterious. Ignorance of the real needs of
the animals (echoing Sapolasky's appeal for
appreciation for the unique needs of the subject) is more
obvious when well cared for animals fall to thrive or
Further, freedom from stress attainable in the
laboratory is as serious as inadvertently introduced
stress un compromising the external validity of
findings. Attempts to bring perspective to this issue are
proliferating e.g. some of which target non-mammalian
Other efforts try to deal with issues of definition and
clarity. For example, Moberg (1999) has attempted to
identify the boundary between stress ad distress at a
point where the cost of coping impairs functions critical
to well-being.
Occupational Stress/Job Stress is stress involving work
(Kahn, 1964), role conflict and role ambiguity are
sources of Occupational Stress/Job Stress. It can occur
when there is a mismatch between the demands of the
environment/ workplace and an individual's ability to
carry-out and complete these demands.
Occupational Stress/Job Stress is the sum total of
factors experienced in relation to work which affect the
psychological and physiological homeostasis of the
worker. The individual factor is termed a stressor and
stress is the individual worker's reaction to stressors.
Job or work, is an important part of life and also one of
the major causes of stress. Various organizational
related variables have been found to be the reason
behind the workplace stress (Weiman, 1977).
Stress is a condition or feeling experienced, when a
person perceives that the demands exceed the personal
and social resources the individual is able to mobilize.
In short, it is what we feel when we have lost control of
events (Lazarus Richard S. (1966).
Occupational Stress/Job Stress is a condition arising
from the interaction of people and their jobs and
characterized by changes within people that force
them to deviate from their normal functioning.
Work overload both quantitatively and qualitatively
has been empirically linked to a variety of
physiological, psychological and behaviour strain
symptoms (Beehr & Newman, 1978).
Role stress is the stress experienced by the persons
because of their role (job) in the organization. Role
stress results from problems encountered in role
performance. Role ambiguity and role conflict have
been identified as a major source of stress and job
tension. Things that make one feel stressed are called
stressors. Typical causes of stressful working
conditions may be cited as increased workloads,
downsizing, overtime, shift-work, hostile work
environments, etc. Occupational Stress/Job Stress
thus may be defined as the harmful physical and
emotional responses that occur when the requirements
of the job do not match the capabilities, resources, or
needs of the worker.
Role stressors are also responsible for creating negative
impacts such as job tension, job dissatisfaction,
employee turnover, employee burnout, low
organizational commitment and performance.
Therefore, managers need to identify these variables to
manage role stress at workplace (Van Sell, Fisher
& Gitelson, 1983 & Jackson & Schuler, 1985).
The sources of managerial stress can be categorized
into six components – intrinsic to job, role in
organization, career development, organizational
structure and climate, relationship within
organization and organizational interface and outside
(Cooper & Marshall, 1978).
Occupational Stress/Job Stress is a discrepancy
between demands of one's job and the ability to respond
in an effective manner. Unhealthy (high stress ridden)
organizations do not get the best from their workers and
this may affect not only their performance in the
increasingly competitive market, but eventually even
their survival (Robin S., Feldman D. & Kaplan Z., 1999 &
Michie, 2002).
Stress is defined in terms of its physical and
physiological effects on a person, and can be a mental,
physical or emotional strain. It can also be a tension or a
situation or factor that can cause stress. “Occupational
Stress/Job Stress can occur when there is discrepancy
between the demands of the environment/workplace
and an individual's ability to carry out and complete
these demands” (NIOS, 1999 & Henry & Evans, 2008).
Often a stressor leads to the body to have a physiological
reaction. It strains a person physically as well as
mentally. A variety of factors contribute to workplace
stress viz., negative workload, isolation, lack of
autonomy, extensive hours worked, toxic work
environments, difficult relationships among coworkers
and management, management bullying, harassment
and lack of opportunity or motivation to advancement
in one's skill level (Colligan, 2006.
The present study target the house officers of Synergy
Institute of Medical Sciences & Hospital, Dehradun. In
order to make study more reliable the complete
population of house officers was target (during that
particular time period there were only 55 house
officers). All house officers (55) working in 7 different
departments participated in the study including 24
female and 31 male doctors. Out of the 55 participants,
14 (25%) were from surgical ward, 13 (24) from
gynaecology, 14 (25%) from medicine, 9 (16%) from
dentistry, 2 (4%) from paediatrics, 2 (4%) from
dermatology and 1 (2%) from eye ward. As the target
population was house officers, so they had the same
experience level and most of them were unmarried.
Their mean age was 25 years.
Primary data was gathered though Questionnaire.
Individual semi-structured interviews & observations
were also used to collect information about the job
routine, in order to find out how the work patterns have
been influenced by environmental factors.
The data obtained was analysed using SPSS 12.0. The
statistical methods included descriptive statistics.
Spearman's Correlation and Multiple Regressions.
The house officers experienced moderate level of job
stress. No department experienced high level of stress.
The overall job performance of house officers was high.
About half of the population experienced upper
moderate level of stress. Some house officers
experienced moderate level of stress and few had lower
level stress. Half of the population had moderate
performance and about half had high performance.
Job performance was found to be higher moderate.
According to the results, house officers working in
surgical and medicine wards experienced more job
stress than house officers working in other wards. A
possible explanation is that house officers who work in
Medical/Surgical Units are exposed to more workload
and deal with patients with a variety of diseases and
problems than house officers who work in other Units,
which might contribute to increase their level of job
stress. There are different factors that cause stress in
house officers. Different factors have different
intensity level in male and female house officers.
Lack of resources, work overload and lack of
communication comfort with supervisor and
colleagues have contributed to increase stress in the
house officers more than the other factors. Stress
factors affected the male house officers more than the
female house officers.
According to the matrix in Table-2, the columns of job
description, conflict, communication and comfort with
supervisor and job related health concerns presented
strongly negative connections with all dimensions of
job performance.
From the table, it is clear that there is strong negative
correlation between job description conflicts with all
the dimensions of performance. It has been found that
job description conflict has strong negative correlation
with knowledge (-0.637), skills (-0.485), attitude
(-0.511) ad overall job performance (-0.631) and this
correlation is significant at the significant level of 0.01
respectively using two tailed test. From the output, it
has been found that the correlation coefficient between
job related health concerns and all the dimensions of
performance have strong negative correlation with
knowledge (-0.421), skills (-0.456), attitude (-0.616),
effectiveness (-0.541) ad overall job performance
(-0.625) and correlation is significant at 0.01 level.
Similarly lack of communication and comfort with
supervisor has strong negative correlation with attitude
(-0.581), effectiveness (-0.669) and overall performance
(-0.532) and this correlation is significant at the
significant level of 0.01 using two tailed test. This
shows that all these values are highly correlated and
The data demonstrate strong support for the hypothesis
that there is an inverse relationship between job stress
and job stress and job performance. This negative
relationship between job stress and job performance
(-0.718) indicates that when there is high job stress in the
house officers, there is low job performance.
Table-3, shows model summary. The coefficient of
correlation is –R-0.739. The coefficient of Determination
–R square -0.546 or 0.55 approximately. This statistics
gives the ratio of explained variation to total variation
converting the 0.55 to a percentage, it is concluded that
approximately 55% of the variability of performance is
accounted for by the variables in this model. Table-4,
presents results regression analysis. The regression
results show that we could expect a decrease of 0.217 in
the performance score for every Unit increase in JHC
(Job-related Health Concerns), assuming that all other
performance score for every Unit increase in JDC (Job
Description Conflict) assuming that all other variables
in the performance score for every Unit increase in CCS
(Lack of Communication & Comfort with Supervisor).
In this study, relations were found to exist between
work stress and job performance. These included job
pressure, job description conflict, lack of
communication and comfort with supervisor, job
related health concerns, work overload and lack of
resources and overall job performance, which all has
negative relations. The work stress of house officers
can impact strongly and adversely on overall job
The principle purpose of the study was to investigate
the Stress Performance relationship. The literature
reinforced the need for the present study by indicating
that medicine is one of the highest stressful professions
and by showing the lack of consistency of findings
regarding the impact of job stress on job performance.
The data demonstrates strong support for the
hypothesis that there is an inverse relationship between
job stress and job performance. Our results agree with
those of the studies conducted by Jamal and Hslow-
Ling showing the inverse stress performance
Lack of resources, work overload and lack of
communication and comfort with supervisor and
colleagues have contributed to increase stress in the
house officers more than other factors. All the factors
affected male house officers more than the female house
officers. Reason being this that Surgical and Medicine
Units are more stressful than the rest of the Units and
most of the male house officers are working in those
departments. The major stress in male house officers
were lack of resources, work overload and lack of
communication and comfort with supervisors and
colleagues. Lack of resources was the factor observed in
all the departments.
Female house officers do not experience much stress
compared to males as they have support from
supervisor and colleagues is the major factor to reduce
the stress level and make an individual to perform at
his/her best. A possible explanation is that employees
usually look up to their supervisors and if they do
receive their support, they might feel that their work is
appreciated and become more secure in regard to their
job which might decrease their stress level.
The results of the study indicate that there is a negative relationship between job stress and job performance. Those house officers who had high level of job stress had low job performance. All the factors affected male house officers more than the female house officers.
Based on the major findings, the following
recommendations are provided. Since the stress from
lack of communication and comfort with supervisor, job
description conflict and job related health concerns is
highest for house officers, hospital administration
should pay attention to solve these issues. Lack of
resources includes inadequate staff, lack of
equipment/machinery and medicines.
So, it must be advocated by the Head of Unit, not only
for the benefit of house officers, but their patients as
Performance is hindered by job description conflict
because with it, the individual faces either a lack of
knowledge about the most effective behaviours to
engage in or an almost impossible situation for doing
everything expected. Therefore, increasing formal
organizational communication with employees
reduces the uncertainty by lessening the role ambiguity
and role conflict.
Open communication has an advantage of resolving
conflict between supervisors and subordinates. Lack of
effective communication could cause unresolved
conflicts that will increase the stress level.
Support from the supervisor and colleagues are the
major factor. The supervisors need to recognize the
good work and outstanding contributions of house
officers to keep them motivated to do their best.
Promoting a culture of support will set the example and
it will make them realize that co-worker support is very
Correct stress management should start from
improved health and good intrapersonal relationships.
An individual needs to maintain good level of personal
health. The prevention and management of workplace
stress requires organizational level interventions,
because it is the organization that increases the stress.
A culture of openness and understanding, rather than
of criticism, is essential.