Study On Emerging Trends In Talent Acquisition Post Pandemic

Abstract :

The utilization of new techniques for recruitment and selection has helped in overseeing nature of recently added team members in all HR points of view and along these lines it has gotten an expanded consideration of the businesses that have become more alerts of the ascent in their selection spending plans. Employing patterns that were important a half year sooner have are not material. Selection is currently more centered on web-based media and artificial intelligence. Also, the conventional techniques are a distant memory. Paper investigates the 'new' recruitment patterns for forthcoming years. The recruiting expenses can be constrained by embracing a subjective way to deal with recruiting measure and furthermore having a unique spotlight on intensity and execution of the representatives in a given industry-explicit conditions. Hiring alludes to the most common way of drawing in, screening, choosing, and on boarding a certified individual for a task. At the essential level it might include the advancement of a business brand which incorporates a 'representative contribution'. With considerable changes in the political, social, conservative and innovative changes all through the world, recruitment as a standard interaction has likewise gone through various changes and adjustments. Through this paper attempt has been made to mirror the latest things, benchmarking measures, challenges and issues, correlation among different areas and future suggestions.

Keywords :
Recruitment, Selection, Technology, Employee, Change

I. Introduction

The Organization is known by individuals and its representatives." Human Asset is the blend of quantitative and subjective evaluation of people in the general public. It doesn't mean just the quantity of individuals working in the association; yet it is the total of representatives, worker abilities, information, capacity, inclination, and inventiveness. The achievement and disappointment of an association depends to a degree regarding how many productive, experienced, and competent workers are acquired and selected. Associations require the administrations of huge number of work force, these staff involves the different positions made to the course of association. Each position of the association has certain particular commitments to accomplish the authoritative destinations.

Recruitment and selection process can easily be considered to be one of the most essential functions of an organization. As the business environment becomes more and more spirited, having the right people with the right skills for the right tasks becomes all the more vital. Certainly it can be a source of reasonable advantage. Today organizations have moved from product focus to market focus to selling focus to customer focus to employee focus. It is common to hear organizations verbalize of their human resource as their major organizational asset. Indeed ultimately the potential of an organization falls upon the shoulders of its workers. An organization is only as good as the capabilities of its employees. The selection interaction of the hierarchical must be sufficiently able to draw in and select the possible up-and-comers with right work detail. The recruitment interaction starts with human asset arranging and closes with the determination of required number of competitors, both HR staff and working chiefs have liabilities simultaneously. Recruitment frames the principal stage simultaneously, which proceeds with choice and stop with situation of the competitor. Selection makes it conceivable to procure the number and kind of individuals important to guarantee the proceeded with activity of the association. In straightforward terms recruitment is perceived as an interaction for looking and getting candidates for occupations, from among the accessible volunteers. It is tied in with drawing in, meeting and recruiting new representatives. The ideal recruitment incorporates the adaption of the recently added team member. It is about the meaning of the work opening, planning the engaging recruitment text and offering the serious bundle to the triumphant competitor.

The selection interaction is overseen by the recruitment system. HR ought to consistently track down the right situation hands on market as the applicant’s stream flawlessly through the association. The selection isn't simply outside; the inward recruitment gigantically affects the presentation of the organization and builds the fulfillment of workers. Organizations enroll the applicants and, utilize them, prepare and foster them and use the HR of these competitors. This technique is brought In-sourcing. Organizations plan and carry out this methodology when the corporate system is steady. Some assistance organizations depend for their HR on such outside association whose center business is to give HR. This system is called Out-sourcing. Out-sourcing system is more appropriate for both the quickly developing and differentiating organizations. Worker choice is the most common way of putting right men on the right work. It is a strategy of coordinating with hierarchical prerequisites with the abilities and capabilities of individuals. Viable determination should be possible just where there is powerful coordinating. By choosing best contender for the necessary work, the association will get quality execution of representatives. Custom sources were super durable workers, resigned representatives, work focuses, outplacement specialists, paper and Web. The main stage in the Selection Cycle is arranging. Arranging includes the interpretation of likely occupation opportunities and data about the idea of these positions into a bunch of goals is focuses on that determine the number and sort of candidates to be arranged. Choice has been viewed as the main capacity of HR office. It guarantees the association that; it has right number, right sort of individuals at the perfect spot and at the ideal opportunity. The up-and-comers who are being chosen inside need not go through the determination interaction. Since the organization definitely knows the representatives capacity. Just if the current worker is acceptable specialized capacity he will be chosen and the choice will be done to fill the opportunity. The choice cycle in organization alludes to the individual come through outside wellspring of selection needs to go through the beneath determination measure; this choice interaction has a progression of obstacles which the candidates needs to go through.


In today's excited aggressive business environment, employees are a source of competitive benefit. It is critical for businesses to appoint the right employee, with the correct skills, exact knowledge, accurate attributes, at the proper time, for the precise job. The recruitment and selection process has become one of the key processes influencing the success of an organization. This paper examines the electronic recruitment and selection process and the latest trends concerning recruitment and selection. This paper consists of two phases. The first section explains the recruitment and selection process in it's totally. It examines and defines the various phases and sub phases comprising recruitment and selection. The final section lists the most modern trends concerning recruitment and selection. The expanding globalization of the commercial center joined with a steadily expanding lack of talented staff and advances in innovation have brought about huge scope changes to recruitment rehearses all through the world. It is clear that the main changes to recruitment include the advancement of expert work associations, the utilization of email and the web for sourcing occupations and applicants and the proceeding with pattern towards workers for hire and brief staff.

The recruitment business is preparing for these progressions by creating key unions and worldwide banding together to guarantee admittance to the best competitors around the world. Advanced methodology, specialized skill and the advancement of world best practice are the signs of effective recruitment consultancies. Associations recruiting staff keep on going through monstrous change in endeavoring to be cutthroat and beneficial. Up-and-comers need vocation locales that are not difficult to utilize and can help them rapidly and effortlessly set up a profile, look for occupations and apply. In the event that these cycles are not direct, work trackers will explore to profession destinations that have been improved. Applicants are additionally improbable to prescribe vocation destinations they observe to be off-kilter, slow and confounded. In a serious work market, the general experience is vital to drawing in the best ability accessible, yet in addition prevailing upon that ability from your rivals and building a solid business brand. All workers from untalented situations through to the President can, and are, rethought. This idea is very unique to the average methodology utilized by most employment organizations. Associations of any size can profit from this methodology and representatives, especially those working in more modest organizations, have a lot to acquire from the consolidated advantages can present as a huge business. Progressively, selection offices are moving towards sourcing competitors through web workloads up empowering recruitment movement to happen continuously. The capacity to enroll universally has been a tremendous turn of events and shelter for associations utilizing these administrations. In Asia, the idea of "a task forever" is quickly turning into an unclear memory as huge scope conservation happens and joblessness figures rise.

‘Virtual interviewing’- Quite possibly the latest trend that has arisen in the ability procurement and selection region is far off meeting. Far off talking includes new employee screenings occurring utilizing video conferencing programming, or concentrated video talking with apparatuses. The selection representative, their partners and the up-and-comer join a video call and meeting as though they were having a standard eye to eye meet. The innovation likewise works with synergistic recruiting by making it simpler for different offices to partake in the meeting and choice interaction.

‘Employee Experience’ - The pandemic made 2020 the extended period of the worker experience. It sped up the requirement for worker listening projects and fostering an encounter that keeps up with the wellbeing and prosperity of representatives, advances positive balance between fun and serious activities just as giving them the positive experience during the pandemic that will urge them to remain after the pandemic is finished. The accentuation on giving a decent encounter additionally reaches out to up- and-comers.

‘Diversity and Incorporation’ – This is one more space of developing concentration for HR pioneers that makes an interpretation of straightforwardly into the ability procurement and selection measure. Statistics show that businesses with a diverse workforce and inclusive workplace have better productivity and profitability. These goals bring certain potential challenges, such as a racial or gender bias for or against certain candidates and inadvertently neglecting highly suitable, qualified and experienced candidates. Recruiters are now expected to make diversity in hiring a top priority. Many industries, including tech, have minority hiring rates that don't reflect the general population.

‘Contingent Employees’ -With businesses facing a prolonged amount of disruption and uncertainty in staffing process the workforce is progressively difficult to be motivated and engaged. In such situation contingent employee will be the need of the hour. The talent acquisition method is totally different for contingent employees than it's for full- time staff, and organizations got to be created to hunt out, recruit and method these styles of hires. Over the past few years, there has been associate degree upward trend in mistreatment contingent employees and making a hiring method expressly for them.

‘DATA Analytics’ –While not strictly a recruiting trend, HR in time normally is adopting analytics at a fast rate. Utilization of analytics across talent acquisition processes helps deliver data-driven decision-making and insights to spot areas of strength and weakness, moreover it facilitate back the value of talent acquisition practices. Analytics determine issues and blockages within the method of talent acquisition process, and fill vacant roles quickly. Additionally, talent analytics will prove the effectiveness and ROI of companies recruiting investments in different process. With predictive analytics additionally trend recruiters will project and predict future trends, like foreseen time to fill, performance of candidate, interview acceptance chance and foreseen tenure of a candidate. Predictive analytics helps to understand use information to create future predictions, hiring selections and additionally helps in work force designing and forecasting.

‘Artificial Intelligence’- One amongst the quickest growing areas of talent acquisition package these days is that the use of AI to enhance methods, that to supply source of candidate, determine and have interaction talent. AI is trending as a result of the technologies will do an incredible quantity of work at high speed, whereas at the same time adding price and automation to the talent acquisition processes. The technology will supply, screen, type and rank candidates to make a pipeline of qualified candidates that are possible to reach vacant positions, supported the abilities and potential gleaned from candidate profiles, resumes and social media. These steps involve extremely repetitive manual tasks, however by mistreatment associate degree AI-based talent acquisition application; recruiters will cut the trouble from hours or days to minutes.

Use of Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) One fast emerging trend is rapid adoption of Applicant Tracking Software (ATS). ATS are software designed specifically to meet the recruitment needs of a company. This software focuses on managing the entire recruitment process, monitoring ad campaigns, and creating an excellent candidate experience. ATS can be used to post job openings, screen resumes, and generate interview requests to potential candidates by e-mail. Other features include individual applicant tracking, requisition tracking, automated resume ranking, customized input forms, pre-screening questions and response tracking, and multilingual capabilities. Bersin J (2013).

Develop Mobile Recruitment Strategy Recent surveys indicate that increasingly large number of prospective candidates uses mobile devices to access the internet and carry out personal tasks including job search. Hence, a growing trend among large firms is to create a mobile career site built specifically to meet the needs of the mobile device users. The aim is to use mobile recruitment to post jobs and create postings that can be easily shared on social media and readily responded. Huhman, HR. (2014).

Growing Emphasis on Using Social Networks Over the past few years, social networking sites such as LinkedIn and Facebook have rapidly gained prominence amongst internet users. These sites provide wealth of information on prospective candidates. Sites such as LinkedIn, and to an extent Facebook, provide specific recruitment related tools and analytic software to improve the recruitment process. Their aim is to help companies identify and locate the right talent for their company. Not surprisingly many firms have actively started using social networking sites for soliciting and recruiting new talents. The top preferred site is LinkedIn followed by Facebook and others. Stewart, R. (2014).

Increased Focused on Passive Candidates Traditionally recruiters have focused on active candidates-those actively seeking new jobs. However, research has shown that vast majority of prospects (as high as 73%) are passive candidates, that is they are not actively seeking jobs but are open to new opportunities and offers. This was found to be especially true in the case of social networking sites such as LinkedIn where vast majority of prospects were passive candidates. Hence, firms today are providing more and more emphasis on passive candidates. Indeed, much of the mentioned trends are aimed at attracting passive candidates. Haak,T. (2015).

‘Skills and Competencies’ - Assessing skills and competencies and mistreatment them to supply, screen and match candidates to open vacancies is changing into a far hotter topic because of the facility of AI. Whereas skills and competencies have been employed in talent management for quite your time, notably for characteristic and matching successors to key positions or characteristic career ways, they haven't perpetually been used effectively in talent acquisition.

Mobile accomplishment additionally helps you to induce most out of social channels. Seventy nine of job seekers use social media after they hunt for employment. Mobile and social media go hand in hand so, it's necessary to create social media a section of your accomplishment strategy.

‘Gamification’- Gamification may be a standard trend in accomplishment. Some firms are adopting the basic concept applied of gamification to remain relevant within the recruiting market. Here are some reasons to use gamification; Understanding behavioral perspective of candidate, Testing specific ability, saving time, creating the accomplishment method less trying, maintaining with competitors.

‘Hiring for Soft Skills’ - With the sill’s gap visible within the accomplishment business, candidates having skills would possibly persuade be a dream candidate. Consistent with specialists, this ability deficit can grow around twenty nine million by 2030. And a minimum of simple fraction of jobs heavily accept soft skills like communication & fellow feeling. As a result of this, the recruiters are additionally inclined to rent for soft skills to attenuate the gap. Soft skills would be thought of as necessary as technical skills.

‘Internal Recruitment A Trend’ - Post pandemic changes have affected the hiring techniques, several organizations is willing to fill the vacant new positions via internal accomplishment. Internal accomplishment is one amongst the simplest ways that to market the inner talent you have got at your disposal. Through internal accomplishment, organizations will simply shut the task openings quickly as there few factors to think about. Recruiters don’t need to turn over any deeper into candidate’s soft ability or worry regarding the culture work. These get evaluated by the managers.

‘Natural Language Processing (NLP)’ - Natural language processing is somewhat just like AI, brings improvement throughout the hiring method. NLP may be a meaningless that’s around for long nevertheless several firms don’t recognize the total potential of natural language processing relating to accomplishment.

The organization follows a well defined sound and effective recruitment and selection policies and procedures. Companies can adopt Psychometric testing as one of the recruitment test in order to understand candidates in a better way and to know candidates emotional intelligence, cohesiveness in group and leadership qualities etc. Thus the company has scope to increase the number of the employees to operate for its further establishment and expansion of business and to acquire the best human resource in this competitive environment.

Reduced Focus on Traditional Requirements - We can take a cue from giants like Apple, Netflix & Google do not require employees to have a four-year college degree The recruiting is becoming even more specialized. Recruiting is becoming more technical, concentrating more on the skills and recruiters expected to have a technical approach during the entire hiring funnel. Prominent companies are moving into this direction, allowing them to find candidates for specific positions. All it requires a tweak in your recruitment process and you are good to go. Although the current recruitment process is quite exhaustive, covering a range of methods from walk-in or telephonic interviews, to aptitude tests and group discussions, there still exists, scope for improvement.


Recruitment and selection remains one of the majority noteworthy functions of the HR department. As competition increases between firms, selecting and recruiting the right and qualified talents become all the added significant. Customarily companies have largely relied upon potential candidates to find the firm yet today head hunting is a vigorous function of the HR department. Firms not only need to begin hunt but also must retain existing employees. The entire recruitment and selection policy has changed and evolved to a new form where the responsibility lies on the firms to advertise, attract, and retain top talents. Internet based technologies and a variety of other software and information systems have provided new capabilities like certainly not before. There is a mounting trend between firms to adopt and utilize these technical solutions. The prospect is bound to see an augmented role of internet based solutions in recruitment and selection process. To be able to identify which areas of the recruitment process can be improved upon, organizations first need to understand the recruitment process and its workings. This can be done by auditing the recruitment process which would look at all the stages in the recruitment process and highlight areas of excellence as well as potential improvement. After getting the recruitment strategy reviewed, the organization should evaluate employee feedback of the same, in effect understanding the candidate`s experience.

This will help them further identify and solidify any gaps or holes in the recruitment strategy that need attention. A potential recruit should mainly be judged on two parameters before hiring – eligibility and suitability. The company should clearly define its eligibility factors – factors that make a candidate valid for the current job at hand. This could be followed by defining the minimum and maximum levels of the eligibility criteria thereby creating a range within which all candidates will be accepted. Next, a scoring system could be developed which would allow employees to allot an eligibility score for a candidate depending on how well s / he meets the eligibility criteria. The next task is to similarly calculate the candidate`s suitability score. This could be more difficult than calculating eligibility scores because unlike eligibility, suitability could be difficult to quantify. For instance, self-learning and a high sense of responsibility might be some qualities that will make a candidate suitable for the job. Allot a score to the candidate`s self-learning ability might thus prove to be difficult although it is very much possible.

Combining the eligibility and suitability scores will provide the employees with a quantitative measure of the employee`s performance and fitness for the job and remove any abstractness from the recruitment. Over the past several decades, human resources executives have been steadily increasing their ability to drive business results while positively influencing the quality of work life among their companies` employees. As this understanding spreads around the world, the real challenge will be to drive these insights deeper into integrated processes competitive advantages will accrue to those companies that maximize the benefits of strategic human capital management more quickly than the competition can. For companies that stay ahead of the curve, and the human resources executives that fuel that success, the rewards will be significant.

Advantages of Technology Driven Interviews:

  • Shorter time to hire: Video interviewing can cut your time in half. It means easier scheduling of interviews and reduces instances for phone screenings.
  • Reduces the risk for bias: Having a standardized video interview process lower any risk of hiring.
  • Gather qualitative data: One-way virtual interviews helps to add the qualitative element to the pre-selection process.
  • Over 90% of the candidates use their mobile devices to look for their dream job.
  • Mobile recruitment is hiring with the use of a mobile phone. An easy to use mobile experience helps the candidates to search and apply for jobs.

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