Dr.K. Majini Jes Bella
Keywords : : time management, skills, emotional well-being, setting priorities and work efficiency.
EOI : eoi.citefactor.org/11.11224/IUJ.11.02.01
The IUJ Journal of Management (IUJ-JOM) is the flagship journal of ICFAI University Jharkhand, Ranchi.
The aim of the journal is to provide insight into the business and management research. It also creates
a platform for the researchers, academicians, professors, practicing management professionals and proponents
in disseminating original,
theoretical and applied research in the field of management and allied disciplines. The Journal is a Bi-Annual, . . . . .Read more.
This study discusses the crucial role of effective time management in influencing work-life balance. As the demands of both work and personal life continue to grow, individuals face heightened pressure to efficiently allocate their time and resources to various activities. The time management will be increased productivity,
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In this World of Modern Science, the invention of digital computers has led to the creation of humans Intelligent Machines which is more innovative than humans. Human intelligence is measured with an IQ scale which is based on the thinking capability of human beings. Artificial intelligence can be measured in binary
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Higher education institutions are expected to foster innovation, research and knowledge, to achieve this, they need to embrace collaboration with their stakeholders, which include students, faculty, alumni, and industry partners.
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Dr.K. Majini Jes Bella
Keywords : : time management, skills, emotional well-being, setting priorities and work efficiency.
EOI : eoi.citefactor.org/11.11224/IUJ.11.02.01
K.Gayathri, Dr.K.Majini Jes Bella
Keywords : Artificial intelligence, Theories of intelligence, Human thinking, Algorithm, Abductive Learning programming, Critical thinking, Knowledge growing system, perceptron, Reinforcement learning, Language signs, Common sense.
EOI : EOI: eoi.citefactor.org/11.11224/IUJ.11.02.02
( Heena Kauser, Dr. Bhagabat Barik )
Keywords : Co-creation, Innovation, Alumni, Engagement, Collaboration.
EOI : eoi.citefactor.org/11.11224/IUJ.11.01.03
( Col Prof. Dr. J Satpathy, Prof. Dr. P. S. Aithal, Asst. Prof. Dr. Lipsa Misra, Prof. Dr. Adyasha Das )
Keywords : Decision Making, Eye Movement, Kowler, Disordered Embroidery and Opto - Complexities
EOI : eoi.citefactor.org/11.11224/IUJ.11.02.04
( Dr. Sweta Sharan, Naboshree Bhattacharya )
Keywords : Maternal health, Child Health, Health expenditure, Child Nutrition, Policy recommendations
EOI : eoi.citefactor.org/11.11224/IUJ.11.02.05
( K.Priya, Dr.P.Jagadeesan )
Keywords : Social Media, social media marketing, Business Performance, Insurance company
EOI : eoi.citefactor.org/11.11224/IUJ.11.02.06
( Mr. Mrinmoy Roy, Dr. Gyan Chandra Kashyap, Ms. Preetha S, )
Keywords : : Electronic Health Records, (EHR), US Healthcare, HITECH
EOI : eoi.citefactor.org/11.11224/IUJ.11.02.07
(Mr. Anjan Niyogi, Dr. Pallavi Kumari)
Keywords : population, from hearing impairment, Research, European nations.
EOI : eoi.citefactor.org/11.11224/IUJ.11.02.08
( Dr. Pritha Chaturvedi, Prof. Sumit Kumar Sinha )
Keywords : peer to peer ,lending, P2P platforms, economic crisis.
EOI : eoi.citefactor.org/11.11224/IUJ.11.02.09
( K.priya, Dr.P.Jagadeesan )
Keywords : Social Media, Business Performance, automobile industry, facebook, twitter, Instagram Marketing and customer
EOI : eoi.citefactor.org/11.11224/IUJ.11.02.10