• SJIF Impact Factor (2022): 7.458

    The IUJ Journal of Management

    The IUJ Journal of Management (IUJ-JOM) is the flagship journal of ICFAI University Jharkhand, Ranchi. The aim of the journal is to provide insight into the business and management research. It also creates a platform for the researchers, academicians, professors , practicing management professionals and proponents in disseminating original,

    theoretical and applied research in the field of management and allied disciplines. The Journal is a Bi-Annual, . . . . .Read more.

    ISSN NO : 2347 - 5080 Journal EOI : 10.11224/IUJ
  • SJIF Impact Factor (2022): 7.458

    A Study on Modern Day Process and Evaluation Of Tribal Development In India

    Literature on Indian Tribes has become so extensive and proliferating that nearly each work related to tribes requires a special prologue. Yet, there is a paucity of new ideas andinsights into the way the tribal India works. In the absence of unified and universal notion of Tribals among the states in India every state has taken to an easy recourse, the uncritical acceptance of an administrative category, the . . . . Read more.

    ISSN NO : 2347 - 5080 Journal EOI: eoi.citefactor.org/10.11224/IUJ.10.01.01
  • SJIF Impact Factor (2022): 7.458

    Understanding the factors responsible for selection of Hearing Aid for Senior Citizens

    Hearing impairment is one of the most common disabilities. The problem relates to communication and socialization challenges. Increase in human longevity would increase the cases of hearing loss in elderly citizens. This impacts the overall personality of a person. People generally get demotivated and introvert. In severe cases people develop suicidal tendencies and loose the interest to stay alive. Read more.

    ISSN NO : 2347 - 5080 Journal EOI: eoi.citefactor.org/10.11224/IUJ.10.01.02
  • SJIF Impact Factor (2022): 7.458

    Crypto Currency: Fostering Towards Financial Inclusion

    The emergence of the crypto business has spawned an ecosystem of fintech start-ups that are utilizing cutting-edge methods to reach out to new investors across borders. People are flocking to this new-age, fast-emerging industry due to crypto curr Despite the industry's frequent headwinds in the form of market instability, the lure of huge returns and rapid money has drawn a large number of investors. Read more.

    ISSN NO : 2347 - 5080 Journal EOI: eoi.citefactor.org/10.11224/IUJ.10.01.03

Best Paper Awarded

Current Issue : June - 2022

(Dr. Veeramani G ,Ms. D.Hemalatha )

Keywords : Tribal, Scheduled Tribes, Constitution, intervention, Education, Capacity Building Skill Developments

EOI : eoi.citefactor.org/10.11224/IUJ.10.01.01

Literature on Indian Tribes has become so extensive and proliferating that nearly each work related to tribes requires a special prologue. Yet, there is a paucity of new ideas andinsights into the way the tribal India works. In the absence of unified and universal notion of Tribals among the states in India every state has taken to an easy recourse, the uncritical acceptance of an administrative category, the scheduled tribes and sections thereof who are further marginalized within the scheduled tribal categories administratively known as Tribals. While effectiveness measurement of development interventions among the Tribals was studied, although many aspects initiated by respective states administration have been considered, the main focus was emphasized on the following : the state- wise effectiveness of educational interventions, interventions in health frontiers, livelihood interventions, skill development interventions, interventions in capacity building, housing interventions, intervention in infrastructure development and cultural conservation and development interventions. Not all the above mentioned development interventions occurred in all states, however, the housing and infrastructure development interventions are observed in all states with differential achievement. The records available with the state administration in the department of Tribal development were also examined.
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Citation Text :
Dr. Veeramani G Assistant Professor Department of Business Administration, Vel Tech Ranga Sanku Arts College, Avadi Chennai Email: veeramanig10@gmail.com
Ms. D.Hemalatha Assistant Professor Department of Business Administration, Vel Tech Ranga Sanku Arts College, Avadi Chennai & Research Scholar Annamalai University, Chidhambaram

( Anjan Niyogi ,Dr. Pallavi Kumari )

Keywords : hearing-aid use, older adults, accepted need, follow-up support, rehabilitation, hearing loss

EOI : eoi.citefactor.org/10.11224/IUJ.10.01.02

Hearing impairment is one of the most common disabilities. The problem relates to communication and socialization challenges. Increase in human longevity would increase the cases of hearing loss in elderly citizens. This impacts the overall personality of a person. People generally get demotivated and introvert. In severe cases people develop suicidal tendencies and loose the interest to stay alive. A major challenge of audiological rehabilitation has been to encourage those who have fitted hearing aids to use them. The aim of the present study is to describe hearing-aid use among older adults and to identify motivational factors associated with hearing-aid use. Suggesting that these factors are important and should be emphasized in rehabilitation programmes.In looking across the literature, we have identified five main factors which can determine whether or not someone would get a hearing aid: - Self-reported hearing loss, stigma, degree of hearing loss, personality or psychological factors, and cost of hearing aids. Different factors affecting the usefulness of hearing aids can be investigated in two stages. The first is the stage before receiving hearing aids when a person looks for help and receives hearing aid and the second stage after receiving the hearing aid when the person has used the hearing aid and reports his or her satisfaction. The factors affecting the receiving stage are the amount personality traits, auditory counseling, and economic issues. However, after receiving a hearing aid, factors such as other non-auditory abilities, hearing loss, age, duration of hearing aid use, hearing aids characteristics, disabilities, attitudes, and personality traits affect the satisfaction of the patien
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Citation Text :
Anjan Niyogi , Research Scholar, ICFAI University Jharkhand annjani.y20@iujharkhand.edu.in
Dr. Pallavi Kumari , Associate Professor, ICFAI University Jharkhand Pallavikumar@iujharkhand.edu.in

( Dr. Pritha Chaturvedi,Prof. Sumit Kumar Sinha )

Keywords : Financial Inclusion; Crypto Currency; Fintech; Distinct Asset Class.

EOI : eoi.citefactor.org/10.11224/IUJ.10.01.03

The emergence of the crypto business has spawned an ecosystem of fintech start-ups that are utilizing cutting-edge methods to reach out to new investors across borders. People are flocking to this new-age, fast-emerging industry due to crypto curr Despite the industry's frequent headwinds in the form of market instability, the lure of huge returns and rapid money has drawn a large number of investors. Furthermore, regulatory uncertainty has failed to damper the spirits of investors, particularly those who are new to the investment business. In light of this, many people are wondering whether the growing crypto currency business may be leveraged to expand the financial inclusion net. There is a belief that the prominence of the crypto business has piqued the interest of potential investors, who want to learn more about financial investment tools. This article is intended to present the basics of crypto-assets centres: block chain, the disruptive technology upon which these assets are built; the role and adoption of crypto assets for payments; and last but not least, the prospect of crypto-assets as an unique asset class.
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Dr. Pritha Chaturvedi , Assistant Professor, ICFAI University Jharkhand Email Id: prithachaturvedi@iujharkhand.edu.in
Prof. Sumit Kumar Sinha , Assistant Professor ICFAI University Jharkhand sumitsinha@iujharkhand.edu.in

( Dr. Sanjiv Chaturvedi , FCS Pooja Shukla )

Keywords : Independent Director, Securities and Exchange Board of India, Corporate Governance, Promoters.

EOI : eoi.citefactor.org/10.11224/IUJ.10.01.04

The function of independent directors in boosting business legitimacy and governance is critical. Their participation on corporate boards ensures that decisions are made in a fair and sensible manner. They have no financial interests other than earning sitting fees for attending meetings of the companies on whose boards they serve as independent directors. For better Corporate Governance, the presence of independent directors in a prescribed proportion has become a sine qua non. While India's regulators have made significant headway in enhancing board independence, there is still one key roadblock. Despite the fact that in Indian companies, concentrated shareholding is the norm, independent directors are chosen by a majority of shareholders in the same way as other directors, giving big shareholders great power to handpick the independents. It's high time now for changing the process of appointment of independent directors ensuring that they represent all the stakeholders and not only the promoters of the company. Securities and Exchange board of India keeping in view the interest of small shareholders made recommendation in its consultation paper released in March 2021 regarding dual approval system for appointment of independent directors in India. The present paper focuses on the need of having SEBI'S dual approval system for appointment of independent directors in India.
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Citation Text :
Dr. Sanjiv Chaturvedi, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce and Business Management, Doranda College, Ranchi, Jharkhand
FCS Pooja Shukla, Research Scholar, University Department of Commerce and Business Management Ranchi University, Ranchi, Jharkhand Fellow Member of The Institute of Company Secretaries of India New Delhi, India Email: cs.poojashukla@gmail.com

(Rajbir Saha )

Keywords : Organized Retail, Liberalization, Customer satisfaction.

EOI : eoi.citefactor.org/10.11224/IUJ.10.01.05

India's retail market is anticipated to grow from US$0.793 billion in 2020 to around US$1.5 trillion by 2030, driven by socio-demographic and economic factors such as urbanization, income growth and the rise of nuclear households. The Indian retail market is largely disorganized. The retail market has grown by around 50 between 2012 and 2020 to its current value of almost 12% of total retail. India's modern retail sector is expected to grow to 18% in GR15 by 2025. Key retail categories (by % organized retail penetration) such as apparel and accessories (18%), consumer electronics (6%), and home and living goods (6%) will lead the rise of organized retail this decade. It can be argued that FDI liberalization would bring quality and discipline to Indian retail, giving consumers more choices and choices. However, customer satisfaction and its various metrics are the key factor in the success of any retail business. Therefore, this document tries to focus on the level of customer satisfaction in organized stores and also to analyze the factors that determine the level of satisfaction
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Rajbir Saha, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, K.R.B. Girl's College Email: rajbirsahaofficial@gmail.com

( Dr. T. Tamilarasan )

Keywords : Theory, Theoretical Explanation Knowledge, Conceptual base and guide, Theoretical Content and Context, Research Conception and Conviction, Intellectual personality and Soul

EOI : eoi.citefactor.org/10.11224/IUJ.10.01.06

Theory plays a vital role in research. Theory provides explanation, understanding and meaningfulness to research. Theory helps to predict facts and to identify unexplored areas/research areas. Research without theory is less emphatic to establish the relationship among attributes, variables or data. It, at the outset, should emphatically establish or explain how and why something is as it is in any kind of research. It helps to explain and extend knowledge about a phenomenon. On the other hand, theory and research together lay the foundation for practice. Theory helps to link the abstract and concrete which ultimately results in relevant and research application-oriented practice. This conceptual article substantiates the relevance of theory in research from initiation to end of research/research results.
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Professor, TKP Business and Law Services, Madurai Email Id : tamiltkp@gmail.com

( Dr. Subrato Kumar Dey )

Keywords : Environmental Education, Pollution, Management, Biomass and Control

EOI : eoi.citefactor.org/10.11224/IUJ.10.01.07

Human activities including industrialization and agricultural practices contributed immensely in no small measure to the degradation and pollution of the environment which adversely has an effect on the water bodies (rivers and ocean) that is a necessity for life. India's water is severely polluted because people dump raw sewage, silt and garbage into the country's rivers and lakes. This has led to water being undrinkable and the population having to rely on illegal and expensive sources. This paper tries to discuss basically what water pollution is and equally to address the source, effect control and water pollution management as a whole. Some recommendations such as introduction of environmental education were mentioned.
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Citation Text :
Dr. Subrato Kumar Dey, Associate Professor, ICFAI University, Jharkhand subratokumardey@iujharkhand.edu.in

( Ram Kishore Tripathi )

Keywords : HRM, appraisal management, personnel development, reward systems, employees , environmental strategies

EOI : eoi.citefactor.org/10.11224/IUJ.10.01.08

HRM is a crucial part of management which oversees the most valued assets of the Green HRM concerns the awareness of an organization towards environmental issues but it also manages the social and economic well-being of both the company and its employees. It has the goal of developing a green workforce that comprehends values and practices green initiatives actively. Hence, a key dimension is the actual engagement and commitment of employees. The focus on spreading the knowledge of how to cope with the issues of sustainability, what actions are required in order to carry out the green programs and how the environment can benefit from them. Various practices related to recruitment, performance and appraisal management, personnel development and reward systems are deemed powerful contributors when aligning employees with the environmental strategies of companies.
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Citation Text :
Ram Kishore Tripathi, Research Scholar S.G.R.R.U, DEHRADUN (U.K.) Email: rktripathi007@gmail.com

( Shakeel Ahmed )

Keywords : Covid-19, HDI, life expectancy, health policy

EOI : eoi.citefactor.org/10.11224/IUJ.10.01.09

It is generally observed and cited that developed countries who are on top of Human Development Index (HDI) list face lesser severity and loss due to any pandemic because of high disposable income, better health and education, good social governance and of course, effective political norms and policy. However, data on Covid-19 pandemic regarding number of cases and deaths show some unusual result and compel us to rethink on the definition of human development as proposed and captured by HDI. UK, Netherlands, USA, Bahrain, Luxemburg. Switzerland, France, Australia etc. are some of the most developed nations having high ranking on HDI but the total Covid cases (per million of population) is comparatively higher (100,000-180,000) than less developed and poor countries like Kazakhstan, Honduras, Thailand, India, Zambia, Kenya, Ghana etc (5,000-50,000). If we look at the death rate, USA, Italy, UK, Russia, France, Luxemburg, Germany, Netherlands, Canada are some of the highly developed nations who have registered higher death rate per million of population (700-2500) than countries low on HDI ranking like Sri Lanka, Belarus, Iraq, Indonesia, Nepal, India, Brunei, Cambodia, Pakistan etc (120-680). Hence, the objective of the research is to explore the relevance of HDI concept in the wake of Covid-19 pandemic. Have the countries on the top of the HDI performed better than countries low on the HDI? Alternatively, have the countries closer on HDI performed equally to deal with Covid-19 cases and the death caused by it? The secondary data is used compiled and provided by ‘Centre for Disease Control and prevention' USA. Data on daily basis is taken from 1st Apr 2020 to 28th Dec 2021. ANOVA and regression tools are used for inferential statistics and accordingly, conclusion is made
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Shakeel Ahmed, PhD Scholar, ICSSR fellow A.N.Sinha Institute of Social Science Email: shakeel0884@gmail.com

( Maneka Perikkathara )

Keywords : Teamwork, Mindful workplace, productivity, performance, healthy environment.

EOI : eoi.citefactor.org/10.11224/IUJ.10.01.10

In today's world, everyone including the established Multinational Corporations to even the smallest business isin this quest to succeed and achieve the maximum. But are they asking themselves the right questions to achieve this quantum leap? Employees drive the performance of a company. A properly designed user-friendly physical workplace environment is central to employee engagement and consequently organizational success. Therefore, poorly designed workstations, with lack of room for bringing out every employee's potential is harmful for both the organization and the employee. In order to retain top talent and create a motivated, healthy workforce; finding a balance between work and personal life is sometimes challenging to accomplish. Positive working environments provide several benefits for both employees and employers. It is the quality of the work environment that has the greatest impact on the employee's level of motivation and subsequently, performance. With employees spending such a large proportion of their lives at work, a displeasing work environment can decrease employee performance. So how is this ongoing unhealthy trend reversed?Ensuring that employees are valued and appreciated during work transitions and in their working environment is critical to keeping them engaged. A platform to express and validate their opinions is a priority for employee satisfaction and organizational prosperity. A conducive workplace with employees aligned with the organization's vision is a precursor to overall success.
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Maneka Perikkathara, Research Scholar, ICFAI University Jharkhand Email: manekarajeesh@gmail.com

( Dr. Manish Kumar , Dr. Sweta Singh )

Keywords : cause-related marketing, Students, Consumer Behavior, Covid-19

EOI : eoi.citefactor.org/10.11224/IUJ.10.01.12

The Consumer behavior has shifted drastically during pandemic. Consumers now a day are more mindful and concerned about environmental degradation. They are keen to embrace brands that stand for its eco-friendly business practices or contributions made towards different charities. Marketers infuse in various strategies for aligning with consumer behavior. There has been sudden upward acceleration towards eco-friendly products in the market. Marketing efforts are also integrating cause-related marketing campaigns in their brand awareness efforts. The recent trends post Covid-19 is also reflecting upward inclination towards cause-related marketing. Recent reports also align with the importance of cause-driven campaigns in modern marketing. The present study makes an effort to identify how cause related marketing programs influences the purchase behavior of students pursuing management courses (private and government as well) at both UG & PG level in Jharkhand. To achieve this objective, 220 students were surveyed online using Google form on their purchasing behaviour. The findings show that the cause-related marketing influences significantly the attitudes of the students pursuing management courses in Jharkhand; thus, affecting their purchase behavior for a brand. The study also highlights the major factors affecting the purchase behavior of the students pursuing management courses in Jharkhand post Covid-19
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Citation Text :
Dr. Manish Kumar, Assistant Professor, ICFAI UNIVERSITY, JHARKHAND Email: manish_fmsbhu@rediffmail.com ORCID id: Dr. MANISH KUMAR (0000-0001-7644-7966)
Dr. Sweta Singh, Assistant Professor, ICFAI UNIVERSITY, JHARKHAND E-Mail- sweta.fmsbhu@gmail.com Dr. SWETA SINGH (0000-0001-7582-8900) JEL Classification: M31

( K. Venkata Rami Reddy , Prof. A. Sree Ram )

Keywords : Banks, Equity Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS), Public Sector, Investors and Satisfaction level

EOI : eoi.citefactor.org/10.11224/IUJ.10.01.13

Investors can make good returns by investing in different types of mutual fund schemes. For tax savers ELSS funds are one of the sources to save tax and to get long term wealth creation. This study aims to assess the performance of the top five public sectors ELSS in India during the pre and post Covid-19 Period from (01-10-2019 to 31-12-2020) using various statistical tools like Mean, Standard Deviation (S.D.), and Coefficient of Variation (CV), as well as to analyze the mean difference of demographic variables on the satisfaction levels of Equity Linked savings scheme (ELSS) mutual fund investors in Hyderabad and its sub urban areas.A one-way analysis of variance is applied to the dataset to validate the hypothesis that was proposed for this research. Participants in open-ended tax-saving mutual funds made up the study's sample of two hundred people. The demographic factors of individual investors were taken into consideration as independent variables, and the level of satisfaction was taken into consideration as a dependent variable.In this major Covid-19 crisis, the study finds that public sector tax saving mutual fund schemes are performing very well compared to the benchmark (S&P 100 BSE). This proves that mutual fund investments are suitable for small investors. According to the findings, there is a discernible gap between the levels of satisfaction and the demographic factors. The level of education qualification, monthly income, occupation, and age of a person are key factors that have a very significant impact on the level of satisfaction they report. This study is the first attempt by adopting ELSS mutual fund schemes of the public sector banks.
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Citation Text :
K. Venkata Rami Reddy, Research Scholar Department of Management, GITAM School of Business, Hyderabad Campus 1Email ID: venky.phd1234@gmail.com
Prof. A. Sree Ram, Professor, Vignana Jyothi Institute of Management (VJIM), Bachupally, Hyderabad

( Sebastián Laza, Marisela Cuevas, Col Prof Dr J Satpathy )

Keywords : Neuroeconomics, economic decision, epistemologists, economic theory, neoclassical

EOI : eoi.citefactor.org/10.11224/IUJ.10.01.14

The assumption about the high rationality of economic agents has been key to the construction of modern economic theory, which began to take shape, as a separate science, approximately with the neoclassical (Jevons, Walras, etc.) during the nineteenth century. In terms of Lakatos, one of the most influential epistemologists of the twentieth century, all science has a hard core, which is very difficult to refute, to modify, and in which there are certain premises that nobody usually discusses, and all accept them as basal foundation from where the current models start. And the premise of rationality that prevailed in economics is that of the hyper-maximizing human being, always tending towards quasi-perfect cost-benefit evaluations as the basis of each economic decision; this is perhaps the fundamental assumption on which the neoclassical built modern economic theory, and which is still valid today, beyond the numerous criticisms received over the past two centuries, with the School of Behavioral Economics and Neuroeconomics among the most recent critics.Throughout this paper, we will try to walk the evolutionary path that has transited the concept of rationality in economic theory, emphasizing some of its main critics, from JM Keynes to the Nobel prizes Simon, Thaler and Kahneman, and to modern neuroeconomists like Glimcher, Camerer, Zak, etc., to name but a few of the most important critics.
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Citation Text :
Sebastián Laza, University of Cuoyo, Mendoza, Argentina
Marisela Cuevas, NeuroBusiness, LLC Universidad de los Andes, Florida, USA
Col Prof Dr J Satpathy, Srinivasa University, India & Management University of Africa, Kenya Email: jyotisatpathy@gmail.com